Use Phone Tracker to track all your devices.
Use GPS Phone Tracker to get all your employees GPS Location from your office PC.
Cukup instal aplikasi seluler Phone Tracker di perangkat bisnis Anda dan masuk akun Anda untuk mendapatkan peta google yang menunjukkan lokasi waktu nyata dari semua karyawan Anda.
Do not spend money on expensive GPS solutions and get this state-of-the-art GPS Phone Tracker mobile application now. And best of all, you can install and test how it works for free! Install now on your mobile and get the most used professional GPS Tracker in just 1 minute.
View ALL your employee's real-time location at a glance.
Once installed GPS Phone Tracker will start sending locations to your private account: you will get all your devices location on a single map. Also note that all the Phone Tracker configuration is made on the website, so mobile Phone Tracker users do not have to do anything. The app just works on the mobile automatically, and you get control on the GPS Tracking settings from your account. Set the GPS Phone Tracker intervals and hours remotely, create device groups, set alerts, and get a professional GPS cell phone tracking system.
The mobile app runs silently and automatically.
Aplikasi Seluler Phone Tracker berjalan secara otomatis, dan itu berarti pengguna seluler tidak mengontrol aplikasi, tetapi Anda mengontrol konfigurasi pelacak GPS dari PC Anda (ketika Anda menginstal aplikasi di ponsel, formulir ditampilkan untuk menautkan perangkat ke akun Anda, setelah Anda menginstal Phone Tracker dengan benar di ponsel semuanya berfungsi secara otomatis di sisi seluler).
All settings are made from your desktop PC.
This cell Phone Tracker app configuration is made from the central management site. Cukup masuk ke situs pelacakan ponsel dan atur interval pelacakan perangkat Anda, tentukan grup ponsel, atur peringatan dan dapatkan laporan bisnis profesional.
Track your employees up to EVERY MINUTE, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (24x7).
You can cell phone track all your mobiles from up to every minute, seven days a week, with no limit. And you get not only real-time locations but also location history to analyze and check for your employee's routes.
Define Speed Alerts to check when they're moving too fast.
Using Phone Tracker mobile app you can define speed alerts from your business account. Jika Anda mendefinisikan peringatan kecepatan, jika salah satu karyawan atau kendaraan Anda terlalu cepat, Anda akan mendapatkan peringatan di email Anda, menunjukkan kecepatan terdaftar dan batas kecepatan yang ditentukan.
Create Warning Areas and get alerted when entering or leaving a zone.
Sometimes you need to get alerted if your driver or field agent is entering a dangerous or prohibited area. Or maybe you just want to know when they leave the office. Dengan Phone Tracker , Anda dapat menentukan semua area yang diperlukan hanya dengan beberapa klik pada peta, dan Anda akan mendapatkan peringatan ponsel ketika perangkat masuk atau meninggalkan area.
Use Points Of Interest to check for customer visits.
Points Of Interest are GPS locations you define on the map to set for example one of your customer's office. Dengan mengatur POI tersebut dan menggunakan laporan bisnis yang tersedia, Anda bisa mendapatkan waktu yang dihabiskan karyawan Anda untuk kunjungan pelanggan atau di kantor pusat.
Get your employees' activity using Advanced Reports.
For businesses, getting good reports means taking good decisions. Dengan Phone Tracker GPS Anda menyimpan semua lokasi GPS yang dikirim karyawan Anda sehingga Anda kemudian dapat mendapatkan laporan pelacakan ponsel lanjutan untuk mendapatkan berapa banyak waktu yang dihabiskan tenaga penjualan Anda untuk setiap kunjungan, atau berapa jauh jarak yang dilalui pengemudi Anda.
Share mobile location with clients (private link).
Menggunakan Aplikasi Seluler Locator Ponsel Anda juga dapat berbagi lokasi karyawan Anda dengan pelanggan Anda dengan menggunakan tautan pembagian pelacakan waktu-nyata GPS temporal. Share your field agents route with your clients, and improve your service.
Try this Phone Tracker app now for free, and remember that if you need support, you can just send us an email to [email protected].
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