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  • PR: Price Checker & Comparison

    PR: Price Checker & Comparison

    8.4 5.0 2024-11-02
    Belanja online

Finding the best prices with your new personal shopping advisor Price Rhythm.

Price Rhythm is your personal shopping assistant. Dirancang dari bawah ke atas untuk membuat pengalaman berbelanja Anda sesederhana dan seefisien mungkin, harga ritme memandu Anda melalui seluruh proses pembelian: Ini membantu Anda menemukan produk yang Anda cari, menunjukkan ulasan dan informasi produk penting, dan membandingkan harga - termasuk promosi - sehingga Anda dapat menemukan tawaran terbaik. Price Rhythm allows you to search by product name, category, or directly scan a barcode. Download Price Rhythm today to find the right products at the best prices.

Techland (Time Magazine): “One of the best free Android apps.”

Appolicious Editor's Pick: “Must Have Android Apps” & “Best Shopping Advisor Apps”

Stop searching and find products you really need! Dengan ritme harga Anda dapat memindai barcode, mencari produk, membandingkan harga, memeriksa spesifikasi produk terperinci, membaca ulasan produk dan mendapatkan rekomendasi produk pribadi.

Price Rhythm is the fastest barcode scanner and price comparison app. Find products at the lowest prices among millions of products and daily offers.

=== Features ===


✓ Fast and powerful barcode scanner (Supported scan barcode formats: UPC, EAN and ISBN).

✓ Search products by name, description or a barcode and find products you are looking for.

✓ Find Products from online shops or local stores, read reviews, product specs and compare prices.

✓ Product catalog contains more than 40 million products.

✓ Price Rhythm as unique barcode scanner app focuses first on your needs and not just on selling products.


✓ Compare prices via our price comparison tool and discover the lowest price.

✓ Find products with the best prices.

✓ Read product reviews.

✓ See which stores have a price match policy.

✓ Nationwide retailers and brands. Find and compare products from the United States.


Price Rhythm's filters out the noise and focuses on your personal shopping needs.

✓ Get only relevant data (according your shopping preferences).

✓ Compare prices in your own currency.

✓ Save your favorite products and offers in your personal wishlist..

✓ Temukan produk berdasarkan kategori: peralatan, bayi & anak -anak, kecantikan, kesehatan & perawatan pribadi, mode, pakaian & aksesori, komputer, laptop, tablet & smartphone, elektronik, rumah, kebun & barang rumah tangga, dapur, makan & memasak, kantor, mainan & banyak lagi ...

Join our early adopters community:

Google+ - https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/101625700913727661987

=== Testimonials ====

user: “barcode scanner works fast and it's absolutely great... compare prices also great... ”

user: “highly recommended for starting your shopping spree...”

Apa yang baru di versi 5.0 terbaru

Last updated on Sep 11, 2016 Support in Android Nugget
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