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The slickest Android Wear Watch Faces with unique designs and weather support.

Most themes are FREE, get them quick!


• Weather condition watch faces.

• Custom location.

• Weather refresh interval.

• 24-hour digital clock support

• Screen awake time setting (developing)

• Build-in launcher (developing)


• Download free and premium watch faces.


1. Pair your android wear watch with your android phone via Bluetooth .

2. Install Slick Watchface app from Google Play Store.

3. Open Slick Watchface app on phone.

4. Select or download the available themes by swiping left and right.

5. Change your location (Optional)

6. Tap SYNC TO WATCH to push the watch face to your android wear watch.

Catatan: Anda harus memilih ikon Slick Watchface dengan menekan layar utama Watch Android Wear Anda atau memilihnya dari aplikasi Android Wear untuk membuat tampilan Watch Faces di layar Anda.


Supported devices:

- Samsung Gear Live

- LG G Watch

- Moto 360

- Zen Watch (untested)

(Basically any round and square Android Wear watches)

- Android Phone running Android OS 4.3 and newer



1. The Slick Watchface app keeps showing "Device Disconnected"

Pastikan Anda telah menyalakan koneksi Bluetooth dan memasangkan ponsel Android Anda dengan jam tangan Android Wear Anda dengan menggunakan aplikasi Android Wear di Google Play Store.

2. I can't download the themes

Tema Slick Watchface disimpan di server kami, oleh karena itu Anda memerlukan koneksi internet untuk dapat mengunduhnya, kami sarankan Anda untuk menggunakan koneksi yang baik seperti Wi-Fi .

3. Synchronization takes too long

Please keep your Android phone and your Android wear watch close enough (within 1 meter). Some of our themes contain many images (Window theme), therefore it will take about less than a minute to finish the synchronization.

4. How can I get more themes?

We update new theme frequently to the Watch face Store, you can download free for pay for premium watch faces. The Store button is located at the top-right corner of the app.


Silakan kirim umpan balik Anda ke email dukungan kami di: [email protected] sebelum memberikan peringkat buruk di Google Play Store, kami akan mencoba menyelesaikan masalah Anda sesegera mungkin. Terima kasih! ☺

What's New in the Latest Version

Last updated on Aug 6, 2015 - New premium theme with weather.
- New Lunar new year theme.
- New Redeem feature for paid themes, post/share Slick Watchface app on your Facebook or Twitter to get a free Redeem Code. Take a screenshot of your post and email to us at: [email protected]
- Many bug fixes and improvements.

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