Speedcams di saku Anda gratis. Tidak perlu internet. Notification by sound/vibro
Important: it's possible not to close the app. Lipat saja. When the app feels the speed, it starts to warn about cameras itself from background. Now read the instruction bellow.
1. This is the platform with for exchanging speedcam locations among drivers from all over the world.
2. Any driver can add speedcams, which he meets, to the public data. 50-100 cams are added daily.
3. As far as cam's points are just digits, the app can accommodate billions of cameras and will not be a lot of weight at the same time.
The speedcams points are kept in the phone as GPS coordinates.
The phone knows where the user is placed via GPS.
Phone knows a vector of moving.
And knows coordinates of speedcams.
So the app compares these data and understands when to warn about cameras (according to settings).
When user adds new speedcams and uploads them to server (by clicking upload button), all the users get these new points.
So if you live in Brazil and travel to Germany, you already have all speedcams, which Germans have added, in this app. If you live in Germany, you have all Brazilian speedcams already too. And every user from every single country already has all world's speedcams in his phone and 50-100 new everyday. Just don't forget to upload points and invite friends to fill in map of cams of your area quicker.
4. Sejauh pengemudi mana pun dari negara mana pun dapat menambahkan cams, Anda tidak perlu memasang peta negara -negara tertentu secara terpisah: ketiga poin MLN sudah ada di telepon.
5. Second great advantage of the app is that you don't need internet to use it. Just press "Upload data" button (in the menu) to download new points from other users and upload your points once a month and that's enough. Other similar apps need that user have internet to warn about cams, but " Speedcam: the world " needs just GPS.
6. Once you opened the app, you see a gray circle. Press on it to activate GPS.
If you are not outside, the app can not connect to sattelites.
The app doesn't find cameras if the user doesn't move. The app is activated only if you move quicker then 5 kmph (3 mph).
Press on it to activate GPS.
The sign'll turn green. Now the phone searches for sattelites.
When the phone connects to GPS, the sign GPS be replaced with green circle with PLUS button.
This PLUS means, that:
- You have activated GPS.
- The phone found sattelites.
- You move faster then 5 kmph (3 mph).
If one of these conditions are not met, the application doesn't start to detect radars.
7. So you clicked on the cirlce and activated GPS and started to drive. Now the app can detect cameras and warns about it. You see green plus on the screen.
Plus means, that you can add new cameras when you pass by them, clicking at plus.
If the map of radars is not filled in your area enough, you can locate speedcams and add them to the data yourself. When you see camera oncoming to you, just click the plus.
8. When the phone detects camera, the green plus on the screen is replaced with yellow cross.
This cross means there's oncoming camera.
If you know, there's no any camera, cllick on this cross and the camera will be deleted.
9. So, through plus and cross you can add and delete cameras.
- If the app doesn't detect speedcams in your area, there are no enough users of the app in your area, and they didn't fill the map of cameras. Share the link to the app with your friends, and you'll fill in data of speedcams of your area together within 2 weeks.
10. When app detects cameras, it warns you with preset sound at preset distance.
11. Jika Anda tahu bahwa ada SpeedCam di tempat tertentu, atau mencatat SpeedCam sendiri sekarang, dan aplikasi tidak memperingatkan tentang hal itu, itu berarti kamera tidak ada dalam database. Just click on the plus on the screen, and the camera will be added. Since you've added camera, the app will warn all users about that camera.
Support project: http://globalappsr.blogspot.de/2012/10/donation.html
Questions? Ideas? [email protected]
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