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Nikmati jutaan aplikasi android terbaru, game, musik, film, TV, buku, majalah & lainnya. Kapan saja, di mana saja, di seluruh perangkat Anda.

This app helps you take pictures periodically with timelapse-critical features like AE/AWB lock, image stabilization, and exposure bracketing.

However, this app doesn't turn JPEG sequence into video file for you. Disarankan untuk melakukannya di PC karena Anda masih harus menghapus gambar yang tidak diinginkan, menerapkan HDR pada gambar yang diuraikan, kontras peregangan, dan/atau de-shake sebelum membuat video timelapse.

Beberapa perangkat tidak mampu untuk menembak waktu yang lama, silakan coba sebelum pergi ke alam liar atau Anda mungkin hanya membuang -buang waktu untuk ponsel 'pintar' yang buruk.

I develop it for myself 'cause in most of times my DSLR could not stay on tripod for long time, especially under unstable weather condition. On the other hand, my waterproof Xperia was capable for continuous timelapse even in raining days. Please let me know if you have any suggestion to help making marvelous timelapse video!

Complete feature list:

* Take pictures with largest size with optional cropping to 16:9 or 4:3 resolutions.

* Rule of thirds grid line.

* Horizon level gauge. (if hardware supported)

* AWB lock switch. (if hardware supported)

* HDR switch. (if hardware supported)

* Image stabilization switch. (if hardware supported)

* Exposure compensation. (if hardware supported)

* Exposure bracketing. (if exposure compensation and AE lock both supported)

* White balance modes.

* Focus modes.

* LED torch switch. (if hardware supported)

* AE lock switch. (if hardware supported)

* Low battery detection.

What's New in the Latest Version 1.7.2

Last updated on Aug 30, 2015 (1.7.2)

* Able to set period for more than 99 seconds.


* Flash modes. (was Torch toggle only)
* Keep screen bright. (changeable in settings)
* Dismiss unlock screen after turning off and on. (changeable in settings)


* ISO speed rating. (if supported by device)


* Voice reporting by number of pictures taken.


* Don't scale picture but only crop to largest 4:3 or 16:9 size to save power consumption.
* Able to stop timelapse upon low battery (in menu).
* ...

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