Quick access to the Bus and MAX stops that you frequent in the Portland area
TriMet Tracker provides quick access to the Bus and MAX stops that you frequent in the Portland area. This app is especially useful for people who commute frequently and want access to the real time arrival info as quickly as possible.
Saya membuat aplikasi ini karena saya seorang lokal yang mengendarai trimet hampir setiap hari dan saya membutuhkan aplikasi yang memungkinkan saya mendapatkan info kedatangan dengan sesedikit mungkin ketukan, dan tidak ada aplikasi trimet lain sesuai dengan standar saya. I hope you will find it as useful as I have.
There is also an ad-free version available in the Play Store.
* Find stops near you using GPS.
* Keep a list of your favorite stops
* Sort your stops by most visited and most recently visited
* View the real-time arrival estimates for each Bus/MAX/Wes/Streetcar stop.
* Get detour information.
* Go straight to the TriMet mobile site with schedule and other information.
Feedback and feature requests are always appreciated. Please contact me at joe.pinsonault@gmail.com and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
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