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  • XServer XSDL

    XServer XSDL

    9.2 1.20.51 2024-12-27
    Alat praktis

X Window System server, complete and fully functional.

X Window System / X11 server for Android, complete and fully functional, with PulseAudio server included.

Anda dapat menggunakannya untuk melakukan stream aplikasi dari PC Linux Anda, atau untuk meluncurkan Linux yang diinstal di Android Anda (menginstal Linux dilakukan melalui aplikasi terpisah).

3D acceleration and OpenGL are not supported. If you're launching X clients from PC, you can install VirtualGL to use OpenGL.

Touch screen with two fingers to send right mouse button click, with three fingers to send middle button click. You can also press button on your stylus, or use Bluetooth mouse.

Swipe with two fingers to scroll documents.

Finger hover is supported on select devices. If you have Galaxy S4/Note 3 device, enable AirView in system settings to use it.

To invoke keyboard, press Back key. Non-English text input is not supported in terminal, but it works in GUI applications.

If you don't see Back key, swipe up from the bottom of the screen.

If you have hardware Menu key, it will send Ctrl-Z (Undo in most apps).

You can disable gyroscope in Mouse emulationAdvancedGyroscope .

You can enable portrait screen orientation and 24bpp color depth in Change device configVideo .

Untuk mengatur nomor tampilan khusus, buka Ubah Konfigurasi PerangkatParameter baris perintah → Ubah parameter ke XSDL: 123 , tekan OK , di mana 123 adalah nomor tampilan Anda. XSDL will listen on TCP port 6123. You may also pass other parameters to X server using this dialog.

Untuk menghubungkan ke Display Manager di PC Anda, tambahkan parameter -query Anda.pc.ip.address ke baris perintah XServer, lalu konfigurasikan manajer tampilan Anda.

Jika Anda memiliki XDM, Anda harus menghapus garis yang dimulai dengan : 0 dari /etc/x11/xdm/xServer , tambahkan * ke /etc/x11/xdm/xaccess , dan atur DisplayManager * Otorisasi: false in /etc/x11/xdm/xdm-config , untuk menonaktifkan server lokal lokal dan mengizinkan koneksi eksternal.

If you want SHM extension to work in Linux chroot - download file libandroid-shmem.so from here:


copy it to chroot, set executable flag, and execute this in chroot before other commands:

export LD_PRELOAD=/path/to/libandroid-shmem.so

.APK file for side-loading and old versions:




What's New in the Latest Version 1.20.51

Last updated on Mar 16, 2021 Fixed mouse wheel
Option to disable PulseAudio server

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