Reads radiation dose accumulated on instadose 2 dosimeters in your facility
Instadose® is a smarter radiation monitoring platform that is simplifying administration, reducing costs and transforming how staff are monitored and safeguarded from radiation over-exposure. Now immediate dose reads can be captured by internet enabled computers or smart phones and tablets.
The Instadose® Companion mobile app wirelessly communicates and securely transmits accumulated dose data from Instadose®+ and Instadose®2 digital dosimeters to Mirion servers where dose information is archived in the wearer’s legal dose of record. Automatic dose reads are performed on an established calendar setting (set by your account administrator) and manual dose reads can be performed at any time by pressing the button on the back of the dosimeter for 4-seconds. Successful transmission occurs when the dosimeter is in range of the mobile device with the Instadose app opened and “searching for devices” appears on the main screen. Dose results, history, and wearer/dosimeter information can be immediately viewed (by the individual wearer or admin only) directly on the app after a successful transmission.
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