
ColorTRUE delivers unrivaled mobile on-screen color accuracy.

ColorTRUE by X-Rite

Devices Supported

- Samsung Galaxy Devices

- Nexus Devices

- HTC One Devices

- Moto X Devices

- LG Devices

- Xiaomi


(キャリブレーションプロセスには、サポートされているX-Rite測定デバイスが必要であることに注意してください。サポートされているデバイスは、Colormunki Display™およびI1Display Proです)。

Mobile Color Perfection. Anywhere and Everywhere.

写真で満たされた世界では、モバイルデバイスが画像を表示および共有するための最も重要な方法の1つになりましたが、色の精度は完璧ではありません。 What you see on your tablet (or phone) should match your laptop or desktop screen. With ColorTRUE , now it's easy!

プロフェッショナルで愛好家の色の完璧主義者にとっても、 ColorTRUE 、比類のないモバイル上の画面上の色の精度を提供し、非常に簡単で使いやすいです。 As soon as you set a supported X-Rite calibration device on your screen, ColorTRUE begins its true magic delivering a custom profile in minutes! And ColorTRUE comes equipped with an incredible image viewer so you can confidently show your photos knowing they are color accurate.

ColorTRUE 、画像が一貫して正確な色で表示されるようにユニークなカラーツールを提供する唯一のモバイルキャリブレーションアプリです。

• Before and After– easily toggle between calibrated and uncalibrated images to see the difference

• Ambient Light Compensation – accurately view images no matter what type of lighting you're in

• Print Simulation – preview your images with printer profile and rendering intent

• ICC Profiling – easily reassign correct working color spaces (sRGB, Adobe® RGB, ProPhoto RGB)

• White Point Selection – for optimal tablet to desktop match, choose between D65, D50 and Native

Show your TRUE colors – no matter where you are!

Look for other ColorTRUE Aware Apps

Unlike your laptop or desktop operating system, Android mobile apps do not have system wide color management capabilities. Therefore, each app must apply color profiles individually. For this reason, X-Rite has created the ColorTRUE Aware Partner Program.現在、他のアプリ開発者と協力して、 ColorTRUEプロファイルにシームレスにアクセスできるようにして、どんなアプリも正確かつ一貫して色を表示できるようにしています。 ColorTRUE Aware apps will be color managed once you create a profile with ColorTRUE . Just look for the ColorTRUE Aware logo for compatibility.

So help us spread the word by telling your favorite app developers you want them to be ColorTRUE Aware! App Developers: Visit xritephoto.com/ ColorTRUE SDK to request our ColorTRUE Software Developers Kit (SDK).

© 2014 X-Rite, Incorporated.無断転載を禁じます。 ColorTRUE is the property of X-Rite, Incorporated. ColorMunki and i1 trademarks are the property of X-Rite and its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries.


Last updated on Apr 13, 2018 Resolved issues connecting with Rev. A spectrometers.
Updated the gallery to comply with the latest Android OS changes.








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