
All the news of Malaga and Andalusia

Diario Sur is the best way to instantly find out what is happening in Malaga and Andalusia. A new interactive experience for on+ subscribers permanently updated and with exclusive services. ? ?


More variety to read the news.あなたの興味や年代順の順序に従って、 Diario Surからの最も重要なレポートに従ってください。

Notices and notifications. Set up your alerts and press notifications with news and current affairs, politics, the economy, sports, culture and much more. Do you want to know how your soccer team is doing? Follow the sports results of the teams that interest you the most.

Offline content. With Diario Sur you can access all the news whenever you want and without an internet connection. Download all the contents of the app or only the sections that interest you.

Save to read later. You can save the news that most interests you by clicking on the bookmark to read them at any other time or on another device. This useful functionality also works with videos and photo galleries.

Real-time information. With the Diario Sur application you can consult all the local, national or world news that is permanently updated.

Still not clear? If you have any questions or suggestions, do not hesitate to contact our team at [email protected]

Your opinion is important.

What's New in the Latest Version 7.10.5

Last updated on Oct 22, 2024 · Hemos aprovechado para mejorar nuestra app y corregir errores.
· Nuevo sistema de registro, más fácil e intuitivo.
· Mejoras en la usabilidad de las noticias visuales.









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