Friends Slam Book – “It is collection of Memories of your friends" .
Slambook is a notebook which is passed among children & teenagers.本の番人は質問を提起することから始まり、その後、各貢献者が質問に対する独自の答えを記入するために、本は渡されます。 So we designed this application where you can store all information just like book.
Benefits you'll get:
1. Add Friends:-
Name, Nick Name, Profile Image, I am your, Relation between you and your friend,
Friends like to call you, Hobbies, Favorite food, Favorite color,
Birth-date, Email-ID, Phone No, Address.
2. View Friends:-
By clicking on birth-date you can set birthday reminder.
By clicking on Email-Id you can directly send mail to that person.
3. By clicking on contact number you can:
Call to that person
4. Save contact number with email-id.
5. You can search any friend by typing name.
6. You can store more than 1000 Friends entries.
8. You can delete or edit any entry at any instance if you want.
IMPORTANT: Before formatting Mobile please do take backup of folder SlamBook from Phone (instructions are given in main page)
Note* Please Refer Privacy Policy.
This Application Is Created By JPOrganization24
Contact Info.
E-Mail ID :[email protected]