Gays chat, video meet & date
Used by over 1,000,000 users all around the world - GUYZ is the best, hottest and fastest growing gay dating app out there.
We know how challenging it can be to find a date, a spouse, a companion, or just other gay men to hang out with – but no more mister!
Gays dating is now easier, hotter, and more fun with Guyz. The app helps you to find a mate nearby, fall in love, have an affair, or just find a gay buddy to go out with.
GUYZ+ offers you top gay features:
★ LIVE GAY VIDEO CHAT - watch gay men on a live gays video stream, see who you are chatting with and meet later.
★ Browse - Check out and browse unlimited amount of men of all types - Muscle, Jocks, Bear, Queer, Leather, Twink, Daddy, and more….
★ UNLIMITED PHOTOS - Make an impression with an unlimited number of profile photos
★無制限のチャット- ホットゲイズと浮気し、メッセージを送信し、写真を交換し、あなたの場所を共有します - 送信/受信の確認を備えた高速チャットを使用してください。
★ LIKE - Play and tease gayz you want to attract by liking their pics.
★ Favorite - Find your match by marking your favorites. You'll be notified when a guy favorites you back.
Whether you're looking for a male partner, a friend, or a friend with benefits - Guyz is the app for you! Celebrate your homosexuality, and download GUYZ today.
(Powered by the MatchUp team)
We take pride in the product and the friendly community that we build. We have zero tolerance for any offensive behaviors or bullying in our community. As such, any violations against our policies will be taken seriously and will lead to account suspension/revoked. All users have the ability to block or report anyone using offensive behaviour.さらに、当社のカスタマーサービスチームは、違反者を確認および実行し、ユーザーエクスペリエンスで最高の品質を確保するために、週7日、週7日間24時間働いています。 Our customer service team is also available via email at [email protected]. It should be noted that all reports are confirmed and double checked by our moderators to avoid
accidental bans.私たちのガイドラインとルールのリストは、 = sharingで入手できます。
「Guyz」の使用は、デバイスのリソースの一部(WiFiおよび非常に限られたセルラーデータ)を安全に使用して、デバイスを使用していない場合にのみ、無料で使用できます。 You may turn this off from the settings menu. Please see our TOS for further information.
You must be 18 years or older to use GUYS. Photos depicting any type of nudity, sex acts or porn are strictly prohibited. Any publicly exposed nude
photos will be removed.