
Offline topographical map of Slovakia with hiking trails, peaks, POIs, ...

このアプリケーションには、既存のハイキングトレイル、ピーク、標高の輪郭、観光地などを備えたスロバキアのオフラインの地形マップが含まれています。 The application can record your trek and then show it on the map, calculating the statistics and rendering the elevation profiles. Your recorded trails can be also easily exported to GPX and KML format. The map scale is 1 : 35,000.


- shows your current position on the map,

- searches locations on the map (requires internet connection),

- shows current coordinates, elevation, and accuracy of GPS,

- records your track (also while running in background),

- calculates your recorded track statistics (distance covered, duration, elevation gain, speed, ...),

- renders elevation profiles,

- exports your recorded track into GPX or KML file (file is either saved on memory card or sent by email),

- adjusts GPS accuracy (lower accuracy settings extend the battery life).

The map in this application was generated using data from the OpenStreetMaps project. This data is licensed under (c) OpenStreetMap contributors. The map tiles and design is licensed under (c) Daniel Tekel.]

Important warning: Do not substitute the application map for the official hiking maps in your area. The application map currently covers approximately 90% of the existing trails. The author of this application assumes no responsibility for any map inaccuracies.


Last updated on Aug 1, 2015 - opravný problém s vyhľadávaním,
- koniec uvádzacej akcie - funkcia nahrávania trasy je od teraz spoplatnená,
- pridané vyhľadávanie (vyžaduje pripojenie na internet),
- pridaný ukazateľ aktuálnej mierky mapy,
- pridané 3 nové lokalizácie aplikácie - anglická, nemecká a česká,
- bugfixy

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