150人Indian Scientists 、彼らの人生と科学的成果を画像で。
Indian Scientists app contains life stories of 150 Indian Scientists both Modern and Ancient.
List of Scientists -
1.Aryabhata II
2. Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri
3. Abhas Mitra
4. Anil Bhardwaj
5. Anil Kakodkar
6. Animesh Chakravorty
7. Anna Mani
8. APJ Abdul Kalam
9. Arun Majumdar
10. Arun Netravali
11. Arvind Bhatnagar
12. Ashok Das
13. Ashok Gadgil
14. Ashoke Sen
15. Atul Kumar
16. Birbal Sahni
17. Brahmagupta
18. CV Raman
19. CNR Rao
20. CR Rao ....and more 150...:)
Aryabhata II was an Indian mathematician and astronomer, and the author of the Maha-Siddhanta. The numeral II is given to him to distinguish him from the earlier and more influential Āryabhaṭa I.
Aryabhata II's most eminent work was Mahasiddhanta. The treatise consists of eighteen chapters and was written in the form of verse in Sanskrit.最初の12章では、数学的天文学に関連するトピックを扱い、その時代のインドの数学者がすでに取り組んでいたトピックをカバーしています。これらの12の章に含まれているさまざまなトピックは、惑星の縦方向、月と太陽の日食、日食の推定、月の三日月、惑星の上昇と環境、互いの関連性、星との関連性です。