
100% FREE and OFFLINE Miami Map & Guide without hidden costs.

100% Offline Map & Guide.

Discover new places, and browse full featured offline map on your device. Our OFFLINE Map is high resolution, and you can using this map without data roaming, WIFI Connection and hidden costs!

10 LANGUAGES supported:

english, german, french, russian, korean, portuguese, spanish, japanese, italian, chinese


- GPS Geolocation(100%オフライン)でオフラインマップを完成させる

- attractions list with description & photo (offline)

- multilingual city information about transport, food, history, airports and many others information like clima table or eat & events (offline)

- 通貨コンバーター:ユーロ、イギリスのポンド、米ドル、中国のユアン、日本円、韓国語、ルピー、ロシアのルーブル(オフライン)

- 多言語インターフェイス

- hotels deals (online module)

- やるべきことと旅行

- POI finder (like: hotels, restaurants, metro stations, taxi, pubs, pharmacies, parkings, shops, cafe )

- フレーズブック(観光辞典)

Discover cities and places with our offline app. Our Offline Map & Guide provides you with an easy way to find anything.

Browse a full featured offline map on your device and find your way.


- Over 450,000 hikers use our apps (iPhone, And. & BB)

- Social media sharing plugin

- No roaming costs

- Multilingual interface & descriptions

- Available in 10 languages

- Adds free

- Tablet & retina screen ready


- Mutilingual interface and descriptions the best way to explore attractions of the city.

- Simple Currency Converter. Find the currency exchange rates and convert world currencies with our tool.

- Lists of tourist attractions. Complete list with most popular tourist attractions, monuments and landmarks.

- Quick Share. Share your trips, recommend sights and attractions with social media plugin.

- Hotels booking. Search, save, manage & book best hotels and hostels. Find the cheapest rates for hotels worldwide‎.

- Detailed descriptions. Now you got everything you need in your phone. Detailed descriptions, maps, nearby hotels and things to do around selected place.

- ToDo. Sightseeing tours, attractions, excursions, things to do and fun activities

Miami is a major city in the south-eastern United States and makes up part of the largest metropolitan area in Florida. Being part of the South Florida region, it is 20 miles from Fort Lauderdale, 106 miles from Naples (Florida) and 156 miles from Key West. Although tourists generally consider Miami Beach to be part of Miami, it is in actuality its own municipality.マイアミとビスケーン湾の東にあるバリア島に位置し、多数のビーチリゾートがあり、世界で最も人気のある春休みパーティーの目的地の1つです。










その他のレベル ゲーム
