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Jujutsu Odyssey Robloxの初心者向けガイド


Jujutsu Odyssey is a popular Roblox Action RPG that has been sensational among fans of the popular anime series Jujutsu Kaisen. With tons of content to explore and mechanics to learn, it can be overwhelming for beginners to find their way through this game. So, to ensure you have an easier time, here's a complete Jujutsu Odyssey beginner's guide to help you get started.

Jujutsu Odyssey Tips & Tricks For Beginners

Jujutsu Odysseyは、かなりの数のNPCと大量のクエストを備えており、常に多くのことが進行しているため、特に敵対的な敵によって頻繁に死ぬ場合は、進歩を遂げるのが非常に困難です。 So, we've compiled a beginner's guide with seven essential tips that you can follow and make steady progress in Jujutsu Odyssey.

Game mechanics and combat moves

There are a lot of controls and mechanics that you need to be aware of when playing Jujutsu Odyssey. These are all of the ones which you should know:

Evasive r
Move 1 z
Move 2 x
Move 3 c
Move 4 v
走るL Shift

Apart from the above moves, there are some special combat moves which you need to be aware of:

  • Perfect Dodge: Press Q before an attack hits you to dodge your opponent and get behind them.
  • Perfect Block : Press F right before an attack hits you to stun your opponent.
  • Evasive: Press R when your Evasive bar is full (White Bar).
  • Black Flash: After landing consecutive hits, you have a chance to land a Black Flash against your opponent, healing 10% of your HP. With this, you enter the amped state, dealing 120% in all damage.

Clans and how to change them

Clans are one of the most important aspects of Jujutsu Odyssey. Getting your hands on the top rarity provides the best perks and benefits. You can check our Clans tier list for Jujutsu Odyssey to get a better idea. Here's each of the rarities, and their drop chance:

特別なグレードGojo, Itadori, Zenin 0.1%
伝説Inumaki, Kamo, Yaga 1%
すごいTodo, Kusakabe, Miwa 4%
レアIno, Gakuganji, Takada, Ieiri 10%

それとは別に、具体的なバフをあまり提供せず、それぞれ25%と60%のドロップチャンスを持っている珍しい普通の氏族がたくさんあります。 You get three chances to reroll your clan choice. You can keep changing them, but you'll need to purchase Clan Rerolls using R$500.

How to level up quickly

Leveling up, similar to most Roblox RPGs, plays an essential role in Jujutsu Odyssey. Apart from the regular XP gain, the skills you use also have their own Mastery, which levels up the more you use them. One of the best ways to level up as a beginner is by completing quests.

By quests, I'm specifically talking about the quest from the NPC Sora, where you need to beat a Matsuda Captain . As a beginner, this is a relatively easy quest to complete and it will provide you with at least 2 level-ups if you're under level 20.

How to become a Jujutsu Sorcerer

Apart from leveling up, your second priority should be to become a Jujutsu Sorcerer. Once you get the Status of a Jujutsu Sorcerer, you gain access to a lot of hidden content and tons of new questlines. But, in order to become one, you need to complete a series of quests alongside Advancement exams.

Once you clear all the Grade Advancement Exams in Jujutsu Odyssey, you will be rewarded with the status of a Jujutsu Sorcerer.

Cursed Techniques, Tools and more

戦闘の動きについてすでに知っているので、攻撃的なアーセナルの最も重要な側面、つまり呪われたテクニックについても学ぶべきです。 These can be unlocked fairly easily using Currsed Wombs, but you can check out our guide to get a better idea.

Now, if you haven't gotten lucky with Cursed Wombs, there's an easy alternative, which is using Cursed Tools. These include the likes of the Katana, Slaughter Demon, Rapier, and even your Fists . Paired with the right Fighting Styles, you can beat almost any boss or enemy with relative ease. You can also choose to remove your Cursed Technique or Fighting Style at the service NPC Mei Mei for a cost of $ 75,000.

Skill Trees and how to reset them

Skill Trees are an extremely important aspect of Jujutsu Odyssey. As you level up your character, you're rewarded with Skill Points, which can be used to unlock nodes on the Skill Tree . The path you choose, lets you unlock stat boosts and even combat moves.

Here's each of the Skill Tree paths currently available . Do note, that these don't include Clan and Cursed Technique skill trees as they appear selectively:

  • Mode Path (Dark Blue Path): Increase the duration of all modes.
  • Weapon Proficiency (Orange Path): Increase all weapon (non-fist) damage output.
  • Health (Green Path): Increase your max health output. Also, increases the strength of your block bar.
  • Cursed Energy (Blue Path): Increase your max cursed energy. Includes skills like Cursed Energy Surge and Spatial Awareness.
  • イエローパス(純粋な呪われたエネルギー):純粋な呪いエネルギーのような戦闘スキルを解き放ちます:六角球、純粋な呪われたエネルギー:悪意の流れ、純粋な呪われたエネルギー:カミカゼ。 Requires you to defeat the Finger Bearer to unlock.

スキルポイントの割り当てに不満がある場合、またはビルドを変更したい場合は、 Service NPC Mei Meiでスキルポイントとスキルツリーを75,000ドルのコストでリセットすることを選択できます。

NPCs guide and what they do

There are over 25 different NPCs that you can encounter in Jujutsu Odyssey. Each of them can be divided into one of two types, either a Quest NPC or a Service NPC. Here's a detailed breakdown of each of them, and where you can find them:

JaQuaviousクエストNPC Sendai High
キメラクエストNPC Sendai High
SoraクエストNPC Sendai High
フローラクエストNPC Sendai High
AraiクエストNPC Sendai High
TsukishiroクエストNPC Theive's Hideout
医者Service NPC Sendai Hospital
KenshinクエストNPC Sendai Square
HarutoクエストNPC Sendai Square
ユナクエストNPC New Shadow Style Training Grounds
日向Service NPC New Shadow Style Training Grounds
HayateクエストNPC New Shadow Style Training Grounds
HimariクエストNPC New Shadow Style Training Grounds
カズキクエストNPC Jujustu Tech
Principal Yaga Service NPC Jujustu Tech
カルロスクエストNPC Jujustu Tech
ReijiクエストNPC Jujustu Tech
KhojoクエストNPC Jujustu Tech
MizukiクエストNPC Jujustu Tech
メイメイService NPC Jujustu Tech
TakemichiクエストNPC Jujustu Tech
ShioriクエストNPC Jujustu Tech
Koharu Service NPC The Forest
KaijuクエストNPC The Forest
RikuクエストNPC The Forest
MinatuクエストNPC The Forest
RojaクエストNPC The Forest
KugisakiクエストNPC The Forest
Local SnitchクエストNPC Detention Center

Jujutsu Odysseyの詳細については、Jujutsu Odysseyで呪われたテクニックを入手する方法、またはPro GameガイドでJujutsu Odysseyでそれらを取得する方法をご覧ください!



