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After seven long years, the Kingdom Come: Deliverance video game series is back. Gamers will return to the Kingdom of Bohemia and interact with some familiar faces. So, here are all of the major characters in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 and the voice actors who help bring them to life.

All Major Actors & Voice Cast for Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Tom McKay as Henry of Skalitz

神秘的な背景を持つ男、スカリッツのヘンリーは王国に戻ってきます:救出2は、シギスミン王に対する復venの探求を続けます。 His journey this time won't be any easier, though, with tougher foes and missions ahead. Fortunately, he'll have a group of allies by his side that he can trust with his life.

Reprising his role as Henry in Kingdom Come: Deliverance is Tom McKay, who is better known for his live-action roles than his video game ones. His notable credits include the 2005 rom-com Imagine Me & You , Kill Command , and The Suspect .

Luke Dale as Hans Capon

A protagonist is only as good as their companions, and Hans Capon is one of the best.彼とヘンリーは悪い足場から始めますが、彼らは最初のゲームを通してより近くに成長し、2番目のゲームが取り上げる場所であるオットー・フォン・バーゴウを訪れる準備ができています。

Luke Dale, who is a mainstay of the video game industry, brings Hans to life. He, of course, appeared in the first game, and not long after that, he lent his talents to Battlefield V . Dale has also appeared in a few TV series, including The Royals and Genius .

Related: How to Find the Cumans' Camp in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 (Invaders Quest Guide)

Logan Hillier as Istvan Toth

Video game villains don't get much worse than Istvan Toth.彼が望むものを手に入れるために必要なことを何でもする人、トスはヘンリーと王国の他の善人が来るのを本当に困難にします:救出。 He returns in the follow-up in a more limited capacity to stir up more trouble.

Another returning actor, Logan Hillier will play Istvan Toth once again in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 .彼は、交差ライン余波などのいくつかの注目すべきテレビプロジェクトに登場しましたが、ゲームファンは2024年のヒットゲームストーカー2:ハートオブコルノビルで彼をヘルマン教授として認識するかもしれません。

Euan Macnaughton as Father Godwin

It's no surprise that a religious figure appears as part of the cast of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 , but Father Godwin isn't a regular priest. He enjoys all kinds of debauchery, including drinking, and sometimes, it gets in the way of his work.最初のゲームでサイドキャラクターとして登場するゴッドウィン神父は、続編ではるかに重要な人物になり、プレイヤーは時々彼をコントロールすることさえできます。

Euan MacNaughtonは腐敗した司祭のGodwinの父を演じており、彼の履歴書にはMidwifeMary Queen of Scotsなどの期間が含まれているため、過去にセットされたプロジェクトに彼が出演したのは初めてではありません。

Jan Anderson as Katherine

The only newcomer on this list, Katherine is a mysterious woman the party comes into contact with in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 . Gamers will have to progress in the game to learn where her allegiances truly lie.

Jan Anderson will portray Katherine, and while she's new to video games, she has experience in voice acting. Her live-action credits include TV series like London Burning and Casualty .

Related: 5 Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Beginner Tips For Escaping the Peasant Life

Additional Actors in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

While the actors and characters above make up the main cast of the sequel, other voice-acting professionals worked on the project. Here's a list of some of the additional voices in the game:

  • Douglas Russell
  • Jim High
  • Konrad Eleryk
  • Lukás Latinák
  • Marek Vasut
  • Christian Bako
  • James Beaumont
  • Adrian Bouchet
  • Ian Champion
  • Jonice Elmore
  • Roy McCrerey
  • Alex Montyro
  • Stewart Kenneth Moore
  • Tegen Short
  • Scott Alexander Young
  • Mads Hijulmand

And those are all the voice actors in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 . If you're looking for more, here's how to heal and restore health in the Warhorse Studios game.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is available now on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.



