Jujutsu Odysseyには、非常に活発でフレンドリーなDiscord Serverがあり、多くの退役軍人と経験豊富なプレイヤーがいて、いつでも支援する準備ができています。 Their Discord, alongside X, is the best place to find all the necessary information to become the strongest sorcerer. Below are listen the links to the Jujutsu Odyssey Discord and Trello .
Below is a list of all JO community HUBs:
Here you can find all the latest Jujutsu Odyssey codes to help you get ahead. Sadly, there is currently no Trello for Jujutsu Odyssey , but with the games success, a Trello board is sure to follow soon. Out of the active ones, the Discord is the most important one, having the most relevant information on topics such as:
不一致で最も魅力的なことは、更新ログとアナウンスメントタブです。ここでは、ゲームのすべての更新と追加を追跡できます。 On the X/Twitter , you can follow the latest information from the games creators and designers, and see what the future updates may be.
また、頻繁に投稿しているので、すべての景品のためにこれらのソーシャルを監視し、ピークをこっそりご覧になり、将来の作業中のすべてについてプレイヤーを最新の状態に保つこともできます。 We recommend checking on these every once in a while because re-balances and updates are quite frequent when a game is first released.
That is all for this Jujutsu Odyssey Discord and Trello guide . If you are interested in other games, make sure to check out our Jujutsu Infinite Guide.