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バレンタインズアイランドの23のアイテムすべて(100%コレクション) - それを掘る


In the latest Valentine's Day update for Dig It, the developers have added a brand new limited-time island to the base game Called Valentines. Like previous LTE islands, Valentine's Island also has multiple items to dig that require varying magnets. So, if you are a completionist like me and want to get all the items on Valentine's Island, keep reading the article.

Complete Valentines Island Items (100% Collection)

Below, you can find all 23 Items available to dig on Valentine's Island, along with their preferred magnet types.

クロワッサン普通いつでもRadiant Magnet
Love Letter普通いつでも化石磁石
Cupid Bowレアいつでも通常の磁石
口ひげレア??? ???
Pink Blobレア??? ???
Smiling Heartレアいつでも都市磁石
Dinner Tableすごい??? ???
Heart Cakeすごいいつでも化石磁石
Lady Bugすごい??? ???
Suitcaseすごい??? ???
Cupid Hobo伝説??? ???
Gift of Enchants伝説??? ???
Gift of Hearts伝説??? ???
Plushie伝説??? ???
Holy Scooter伝説??? ???
Eiffel Tower神話いつでもMythical Magnet
Gift of Skies神話いつでもMythical Magnet

Where is the Valentine's Island in Dig It?

You can find the Valentine's Island located right between the Nookville and Badlands POI in the game. Take a boat west of the Nookville coast to reach the location. Also, for reference, the entire island is pink in color and has a large Eiffel Tower at the center, which is very hard to miss.

Is Valentine's Island a permanent landmark in Dig It?

No, Valentine Island is not a permanent landmark in Dig It and will only remain in the game for the next few weeks until the end of the event. So, farm all the 23 items in the game before they disappear from the game.

For more on Dig It, Check out Official Dig It Trello Link & Discord – Roblox or All 13 Secret Items in Dig It (Fame Potion) – Roblox



