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PokémonGoGigantamax Kingler Max Battle Dayイベントガイド:ボーナス、チケットなど


The Gigantamax Kingler Max Battle Day event is set to begin this February in Pokémon GO . Found in six-star Max Battles, the Pokémon's arrival comes with a slew of bonuses. Here's a look at start times and everything you need to know to kick off February 2025's event schedule right.

Gigantamax Kingler Max Battle Day Pokémon GO Event Guide

  • Start Date & Time
  • ボーナス
  • Event Exclusives & Tickets
  • Event Tips

Gigantamax Kingler Max Battle Day Pokémon GO Event Start Date & Time


Gigantamax Kinglerは6つ星の最大戦に出演します。運が良ければ、 PokémonGoの公式イベントの概要によると、光沢のある相手に出会うことさえできます。

Gigantamax Kingler Max Battle Day Pokémon GO Event Bonuses

Max Battle Dayイベントウィンドウでは、ほんの一握りのボーナスと、イベントの開始時間の前に施行される選択肢を利用できます。

Active bonuses during the Gigantamax Kingler Max Battle Day event will include:

  • Max Particle collection limit increased to 1,600
  • All Power Spots will host Gigantamax Battles
  • Power Spots will refresh more frequently
  • 8x Max Particles from Power Spots

The following bonuses will go into effect on February 1, 2025, from 12 AM to 5 PM local time:

  • 2x Max Particles from exploring
  • 1/4 adventuring distance to receive Max Particles


Moreover, Trainers can collect Max Particles through the Nearby menu every day by simply exploring.アプリでアクティブになったら、Max Particlesアイコンの近くのメニューに注意してください。これらのアイテムが収集できることを示してください。

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Gigantamax Kingler Max Battle Pokémon GO Day Event Exclusives & Tickets

Max Battle Dayイベントが実行されている間、イベント専用のタイミング調査で5ドル、または地元の通貨で同等の価格設定層にアクセスできます。 This will be available while the event is ongoing on February 1, 2025, from 2 PM to 5 PM local time.

Timed Research rewards will include:

  • x1 Max Mushroom
  • x25,000 XP

In addition, you'll also get the following bonuses:

  • 2x XP from Max Battles
  • Max Particle collection limit increased to 5,600

As for tickets, Trainers can purchase and gift tickets with Pokémon GO friends at a friendship level of Great Friends or higher. However, tickets will only be available until 4 PM local time while the event runs. Purchases are non-refundable and cannot be made with PokéCoins, so be sure to spend wisely.

Tips for Gigantamax Kingler Max Battle Day Pokémon GO Event

Going into the Gigantamax Kingler Max Battle Day event, you'll want to consider using Max Mushrooms.これらのアイテムは、最大の戦闘中にDynamaxとGigantamaxPokémonが扱うすべてのダメージを一時的に2倍にし、マックスの動きにより多くのパワーをかけることで仕事をずっと容易にします。複数のマックスマッシュルームを連続して使用して、より多くの時間を購入することもできますが、既存のダメージ乗数は増加しないことに留意してください。

Finally, you'll want to team up with other Trainers to take on the task. Campfire is a great way to find both Max Battles and other Trainers. Happy battling!

Pokémon GO is available now.



