HomeAppsEducational Learning
  • Japaneseoid


    9.5 1.8.0 2025-03-21
    Educational Learning

You are made to pronounce Japanese very simply.

Since it pronounces [ a text, 50 sound table, or ], pronunciation can be heard also by the character or the text.

[To Nippon Travel Agency]

It can be used without being able to register language to speak about since word registration (beta version) can be performed in advance and getting impatient for it.

* Word mode is a beta version in preparation.

[A few Japanese Text To Speech]

It is making [ utter with a Text To Speech engine (TTS)] application.

Please install TTS separately.

It is checking that "N2 TTS" can be used.

* Please be sure to check and set up the page of "N2 TTS"

* When Japanese is not displayed, please try installation of "Morelocale2."

What's New in the Latest Version 1.8.0

Last updated on Feb 9, 2016 Vocaloid is a talking aid designed to be used by people with developmental disorders (autism, PDD, etc.), their families and those involved in the treatment of their children. It can also be used as a learning toy for young children who want to learn 50 sounds.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any comments or comments.

・Photo mode has been added. (version: 1.8.0)
・The number of color variations has been increased. (version: 1.6.0)
- Words can now be saved. (version: 1.5.1)
- Corresponds to turbidity and semi-turbidity. (version: 1.4.2)
- Created 50-sound mode and text mode. (version: 1.3.1)

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