We created an app for the Journey to the End of the Night in Erlangen
We created an app for the Journey to the End of the Night in Erlangen. It is not necessary for the game, but we believe it will make it more fun for you.
* Know the location of the first checkpoint before anyone else!
* Track your movement and compare it with other players after the game
* Know exactly where you and where the checkpoints are
* Remember when you passed a checkpoint
* Get statistics about your game
* Optionaly share your location with us, so we can create neat graphics of the course of the game
For further information regarding the journey visit http://journey.hawo.net
Necessary permissions:
* This app is not yet ready for Android 6 permissions on demand. Sorry, I don't have time to update the app. The source is on github, though: patches welcome :)
* Location and google-services: Needed to track your position and mark it on the map
* Internet & Network-State: Needed to download map material and game details and (optionally) upload your location
* External storage: Needed to cache map data and game details (reduces data load) and safe your location
* Vibraton: Needed to give you feedback when you enter or leave a safe zone
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