애플리케이션교육 학습

Learn sounds and pictures of animals to children: farm, zoo, jungle, Savannah

Have fun learning, this free app for children allows them to discover more than 200 animal sounds and photos!

사용하기 쉬운, 특히 유아와 어린이를 위해 설계된이 놀라운 게임은 아이들이 집에서 즐겁게되거나 자동차 나 대기실에서 생명을 구할 수 있습니다! To play with family, babysitter, grandpa and grandma, at preschool or at bedtime.

Don't wait any longer, come up and listen a rhino, a seal or a donkey, and don't miss the famous cow “MOOOOOOOO”. The whole zoo in your hand!

How does it work?

Choose an animal and touch the screen to listen the sound. Very easy and simple! Your child can do it by himself.

To go further:

This app is an educational game for the young kids and babies to learn through play. It contributes to the infant cognitive development and language development by stimulation and awareness with animal sounds and photos. 자신이 좋아하는 동물의 소리를 식별하는 방법을 배우고, 동물을 사진과 연결하고, 농장 동물 또는 사파리 동물을 지명하고, 좋아하는 이야기, 전설 또는 신화적인 이야기 (세 개의 작은 돼지, 사자 킹, 요리를 즐기는 쥐, 작은 양고기 등)에서 동물을 인식하고 색상을 식별하십시오.

대화식 인이 장난감은 스토리 텔링, 동물원 동물 퍼즐, 사운드 퍼즐, 동물 ABC, 채색 활동, 동물원 퀴즈, 야생 동물 퀴즈 또는 동물 모방 플레이와 같은 창의적이고 재미 있고 교육 활동을 구축하는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다!

Full transparency to convince you. Here is the list of all the animal sounds and pictures included in the app:

- Farm animals

- Jungle animals

- At home

- Savannah animals

- Birds

- Insects

Unlock even more animal noises for only $0.99:

- 팬더, 북극곰, 코모도 드래곤, 코브라, 코알라, 펭귄, 순록, 비버, 샤무 아, 무스, 그리즐리 베어, 늑대, 마모 트, 여우, 야크, 곰, 고래, 벨루가 고래, 스피 어와 곰, 돌고래, 코끼리 물개, jellyfish, 나르 랄, 오르크, 퍼밀 매머드, 휴양지 사슴, 들소, 버팔로, 사슴, 낙타, 두꺼비, 방울뱀, 다람쥐, 고슴도치, 이구아나, 캥거루, 키위, 라마, 수달, 너구리, 스파이더, 게, 달팽이, 카멜레온, 지레, 왈라비

And even more functionalities:

- Gather all your favorite animals in one place

- Customize your app by replacing the picture by your own holiday photo. The funniest way to remember it!

- Learn everything on animals with the description sheet. Size, weight, name of the cry, family, habitat type, name of baby, and these animals will no longer have any secrets for you! This option is available for a mere additional $0.99

Protect you child against advertising:

This free app is maintained through advertising. To reduce the impact of advertising on your child, remove it for only $2.99. As a free gift, you will also get an instant, full and unlimited access to the whole app!

Help me make this app the best one:

Keep in mind that this application constantly evolving. Got an idea for improvement? Can't find your favorite animal? Please, send me an email to [email protected]

I look forward for your thoughts.

Have fun!

최신 버전 2.0.3의 새로운 기능

Last updated on May 24, 2016 - new design
- more animals
- more sounds
- more images
- more fun
- more stable
- additional feature : animal fact sheet !

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