This app aims to help teach your child real-world problem solving skills.
Laugh and learn as you help a Sesame Street monster friend calm down and solve everyday challenges. This bilingual (English and Spanish), research-based app helps your child learn Sesame's “Breathe, Think, Do” strategy for problem-solving. Tap and touch to help the monster friend take deep breaths, think of plans, and try them out! 자녀는 중요한 감정적 어휘, 차분한 호흡 기술, 개인화 된 격려 등에 노출되면서 어리석은 애니메이션과 장난기있는 상호 작용을 즐길 것입니다!
• Explore five interactive activities with a unique, everyday challenge
• Tap, pop bubbles, and more to help the monster breathe, think, and do to solve problems and feel better
• Personalize encouraging phrases that your child will hear as they help the monster think of a plan*
• ”Breathe with the Monster” activity to help children practice taking deep breaths to calm down
• Robust Parent Section with great resources for navigating everyday challenges with your young child
*We're sorry, but if you're using any device without a built in microphone, this feature will not be supported.
Breathe, Think, Do with Sesame is intended for parents and caregivers to use with their young children (ages 2-5).
PLEASE NOTE: Breathe, Think, Do with Sesame is a very robust app and requires a strong wifi connection to ensure a complete download process.
• If you're having download issues, please ensure you have a strong wifi connection and try rebooting your device. If the download does not resume, delete the app or end the download process and start again.
• 설치 문제가 있거나 앱이로드 화면에 붙어있는 경우 강력한 WiFi 신호에 연결된 상태에서 앱을 삭제하고 다시 설치하십시오.
• If you continue to have trouble, we encourage you to reach out to us. We want to ensure our tools are working and your family has an opportunity to enjoy Breathe, Think, Do with Sesame .
This app aims to teach Sesame's “Breathe, Think, Do” strategy for problem-solving. 이 앱은 Sesame Street의 어린 아이들, Big Challenges 이니셔티브의 일부로, 아이들이 탄력성을위한 기술을 구축하고 일상적인 도전과 스트레스가 많은 상황과 전환을 극복 할 수있는 도구를 제공하는 것을 목표로합니다. You can access other Sesame Street resilience materials online, at
더 읽어보세요