
Find EV charging stations with speed, prices and availability in real time.

Find charging stations on the charge map and get information about charging speed, current prices and availability in real time. Live charger status is displayed for all major networks in Scandinavia and several in rest of Europe. In one place you can now see if a charger is idle, busy or out of order regardless of operator. Tips on nearby eateries and other things that can be good to know about the specific place are of course also available.

On the map, it is easy to get a quick overview of charging stations. Different colors of map pins show charging speed and with the map filter it is easy to customize the type of chargera you want to see.

The route planner is a tool for finding fast chargers along a specific route. 경로의 기준을 입력하고 ChargeFinder 최적의 경로를 계산하고 스테이션까지의 거리를 보여주고 우회의 길이를 나타내며 모든 것을 명확한 형식으로 제시합니다.

Ionity, Tesla, Clever, Bee, Fortum Charge & Drive, Virta, Vattenfall In Pargeing, Laddkoll, Grønn Kontakt, E.on을 포함한 네트워크에서 전기 자동차 충전기를 찾는 가장 정확하고 최신 앱.

Tesla Model 3, Tesla Model S, Tesla Model X, Polestar 2, VW Id.3, Audi e-Tron, Hyundai Kona, Skoda Enyaq, Porsche Taycan, Nissan Leaf, Mercedes Eqc, Chevrolet Volt, Bmw I3, Chevrolet evrollet, Fiat 500e, Fiat 500e. Energi, Volkswagen e-Golf, Prius Plug-in, Kia Soul EV and all other electric vehicles on the market.

What's New in the Latest Version 2.0.17

Last updated on Jun 15, 2024 Bug fixes and improvements

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