With the LITE version of nine learning areas A free try!
Conni learning fun: Now the new generation of educational apps coming! try using the LITE version in the AppStore A nine learning areas free!
Conni learning fun - a school year, a specialist, an app.
Conni learning fun: Everything for first class computing.
developed pedagogic support.
초등학교 교과 과정과 밀접하게 조정 된 첫 번째 수업의 모든 주요 컴퓨팅 작업은이 응용 프로그램 내에서 실시됩니다. While learning with Conni makes as always a lot of fun!
What makes this innovative learning app?
- comprising: NINE learning areas are gradually unlocked.
- Motivational: the three-tier reward system keeps the motivation and with regular practice upright:
Owl badges: completed study area without error
Bee badges: successfully completed study area on three different days.
Rabbit badge: very quickly completed study area
- sound: Conni provides helpful study tips for each learning area. 작업과 학습 팁은 교육자와 긴밀한 협력하여 초등학교 교과 과정과 관련하여 개발되었습니다.
- 지속 가능한:
individual feedback helps to understand mistakes and get it right next time
가변 Aufgabenmodi 및 기술 수준은 어린이의 학습 진행을 고려하여 첫 학년도 내내 지속적인 연습을 가능하게합니다.
thanks varied and smart audio commentary, the app is fun even for repeated play through.
Learning areas:
The Dragon Merlin gets red dots from sneezing. These disappear when you count and types in the correct number. If an error occurs when re-tapping appear on the points numbers and Conni counts aloud.
number sequences
In the treasury of the Knights Castle, the treasure pile. Since the treasurer is very neat, he numbered them and a spell: The chests can only be opened in the correct order.
to compare
(This study area free trial in the Conni learning fun LITE version !!)
Mäuserich Felix wants to his girlfriend Amelie. Unfortunately, some battlements missing on the way to his damsel. 두 성 마우스를 돕기 위해, 올바른 특성을 숫자 사이의 벽의 구멍으로 밀어야합니다.
plus tasks
The King and the Queen collect all their crowns on a shelf. In this study area, the various crowns must be added.
disassemble figures
With the help of two cannons disassembly of numbers is practiced. For this, the guns must be loaded so that the two numbers add up to the value of the large number on the balls.
The specter Gundolf can disappear a part of the Knights helmets on the shelf at the witching hour. The transparent helmets must be deducted in order to solve the task.
exchange tasks
The residents of the two castle towers have swapped their clothes when washing day. In order to achieve the object, the matching exchange tasks must be selected and then be calculated.
inverse operations
First, the bats must be found with the corresponding task pairs as in memory. Then the reverse task is calculated.
In this learning area the regrouping is practiced. Here, a summand or the subtrahend is first broken up to ten and counted the object in a second step to an end.
- Help function: Conni explains the task
- Learning Tip: Conni is a learning tip to the current study area
- Settings: difficulty depending on the learning range adjustable:
numbers up
Difficulty of the tasks
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