Track, view, search, calendar, notifications for new events at Dallas Makerspace
Dallas Makerspace holds many events and it can be difficult to know when new events of your interest are added to the calendar. "새로운 이벤트 검색"은 캘린더 피드에서 모든 이벤트를 검색하고 마지막으로 새로운 이벤트가 검색 된 이후 (그리고 여전히 보류중인 경우) 새로운 이벤트 만 표시합니다.
In "Settings," you can enter keywords so that new events with those keywords are highlighted. "매일 자동 검색"을 선택하면 새로운 이벤트가 매일 검색되며 입력 한 키워드와 일치하는 새로운 이벤트가 있으면 알림을받습니다.
You can also "Show All Events" to reset and see all pending events, as well as swipe to remove individual events.
The Dallas Makerspace calendar, and the feed this app uses, is under development and may change over time (thus breaking the feed for this app).
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