애플리케이션교육 학습

이 응용 프로그램을 통해 Blueforce 고객은 시간과 출석을 수집 할 수 있습니다.

EPAY Systems Mobile Punch Application allows Blueforce™ Customers to utilize Android Phones™ for collecting Time and Attendance. The Mobile Application provides the following list of features:

1. Employee Clock InOut, StartEnd Meal breaks

2. Supervisor Employee Group Clock InOut, StartEnd Meal breaks

3. Capture GPS Coordinates at time of Clock InOut for verification of location *Optimized to 10 meters accuracy

4. 직원 펀치는 Blueforce로 기록되어 GPS 위치가 작업장에서 허용 가능한 거리를 벗어나면 "승인되지 않은"것으로 표시됩니다. *거리가 클라이언트 구성 가능합니다.

5. Integrated with Blueforce™ TLM System Time card and Timesheet module

6. 위치 기반 (GPS) 드롭 다운 목록 작업 그룹 (사이트), 작업 및 작업 티켓에 대한 선택 - 선택은 현재 GPS 위치에 따라 필터링됩니다.

7. Works in offline mode in cases where GPS and Cellular Services are unavailable

8. Ability to enter free from comments along with the punches

9. Search feature for Work Group (Site), Task, Employee and Work Ticket.

10. Ability to collect additional punch details at Clock-Out *Questions to be asked are client configurable.

11. Ability for supervisor's to Clock InOut employees by Scanning Bar/QR code representing Work Group (Site), Task, Employee and Work Ticket.

12. Employee PTO requests with ability to view pending request status and PTO balances

13.Ability for Supervisors and Employee's to Allocate Hours to different Task and/or Work ticket from worked hours.

14. Consistent look and ease of use similar to EPAY Systems Walter Time clocks

15. One button click to EPAY Systems Support Team and Help

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