
친환경 운전, 새로운 여행 엔진! 100% environmentally friendly.

Calculate the environmental impact of your behavior and improve your score on every trip with Geco , your new companion!

Being responsible for the environment is not only about sorting waste and saving water. It can even become a game everyday with Geco , your new companion. Geco helps you act every day for the environment by adopting a driving 100% ecological and economic. Calculate the environmental impact of your behavior and improve your score on every trip. Geco gives you all the advice to adopt a more environmentally friendly and fuel-efficient driving style with no impact on your travel time.

To help you go green city driving, Geco guide you in your urban trips and allows you to improve your driving. Goals?

- Saving money by reducing your fuel consumption without necessarily reducing your travel time.

- Acting for the environment by reducing your carbon footprint.

- Improve your score on every trip

Eco-driving for all

With technological advances, the cars are more fuel efficient. But apart from technical improvements you as a driver can act on your energy consumption. Because the way you use the vehicle, ie your driving style, also has an impact on fuel consumption. With Geco , become a champion of eco-driving.

If you follow the advice of Geco , you can potentially get 10 to 25% fuel saving. Consuming less, you spend less but also emit fewer pollutants and less CO2. And you act for the planet.

How does it work?

- From smartphone sensors, the system calculates in real time and depending on the path you travel, the optimal driving profile to adopt.

- Geco compares this ideal driving with your behavior. Geco deduces an eco-driving profile and ways for improvement, shown on the screen of your smartphone score.

- Geco gives you access to the history of your trips and assessments obtained with the advice for improvement.

The Geco + over existing applications


Geco 혁신적인 과학적 접근 방식을 채택합니다. 운전에 대한 정량화 된 분석을 적용하여보다 정확하고 풍부한 정보를 제공합니다. Geco 엔지니어 IFP Energies의 전문 지식에 의존합니다. ICT 분야의 연구, 특히 온라인 최적화 알고리즘의 연구에 의존합니다.


Geco allows you to reduce your consumption without necessarily reducing your speed. Geco 다양한 수준의 정보에 액세스 할 수 있습니다. 경로에 대한 일반 정보, 운전 팁 및 행동을보다 자세히 분석하고, 개선 영역을 이해하고, 진행 상황을 모니터링하기 위해 이루어진 여행에 대한 자세한 평가를 제공합니다.


Geco offers a user-friendly interface with a presentation of the results in graphical form for easy reading.

You have any suggestions to help us improve the application? You can send us your comments to the following address: Geco @ifpen.fr

Geco allowed you to adopt a more economic and environmentally friendly driving? We'd love to hear your rating and review to application.

What's New in the Latest Version 2.4.1

Last updated on Jul 6, 2017 Bug fix

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