
Trial app for VFR real-time GPS Air Navigation

GPS Air Navigator is an application for VFR Air Navigation :: Air Nav.

Follow us on https://www.facebook.com/gpsairnavigator!

주요 기능 :

• real-time GPS moving map

• graphical visualization of country air space

• navigation with True or Magnetic North

• High Quality VFR Aeronautical Charts (from Flyermaps.com) for Portugal, Spain, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Iceland, Uruguay and Venezuela

• free OpenStreetMap maps for all countries

• USA Sectional VFR Charts (generated from FAA VFR Raster Charts)

• WAC and REA Charts from Brazil (thanks to DECEA-Brazil)

• 네덜란드, 폴란드, 크로아티아, 체코, 벨기에, 독일, 덴마크, 스웨덴, 불가리아, 헝가리, 슬로베니아, 오스트리아, 루마니아 및 스위스의 무료 오픈 플라이 라이트 맵 차트 (오픈 플라이트 맵 협회 덕분)

• airspace information for Portugal with daily updates (integrated with FuaFlex service - www.cavok.pt)

• database with more than 56.000 system waypoints

• create and manage your own user waypoints

• create and manage your routes and legs

• Mayday Button : 현재 위치 (이 기능을 지원하는 장치에서만)가있는 자동 SMS를 보내고 가장 가까운 웨이 포인트로의 경로 활성화

• Course with two navigation modes: a) visualization of the course you have to follow to reach the next waypoint or; b) 다음 웨이 포인트에 도달하기 위해 얼마나 많은 정도를 돌려야하는지에 대한 시각화, 화살표는 비행 방향과 관련하여 포인트가 어느 방향인지를 보여줍니다.

• show real-time flight tracks

• save flight tracks to a GPX file for offline processing (visualize in specific apps or inside the GPS Air Navigator)

• visualize your flight stats and share them on Facebook, e-mail, Instagram and so on

• only one licence needed for all your Android devices

After install, you can try the app with the following limitations:

• you can save only two user waypoints;

• the app closes after 15 minutes of usage.

If you like GPS Air Navigator , you can buy a licence using the button Buy inside the app, to use it without limitations.

Enjoy GPS Air Navigator !

최신 버전 4.2.1의 새로운 기능

Last updated on Apr 1, 2021 - Update of the OpenFlightMaps aeronautical charts (AIRAC 2103)
- Update of the system database of waypoints from openAIP
- Other small improvements and bug fixes

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