Simply Copy the word to Get Meaning,Bilingual Dictionary,11.79 Lakh+Results.
It is a bilingual dictionary with English to Hindi and Hindi to English Meaning. If you are reading EBook/PDF/Internet pages etc and have some doubt with word no need to minimize the thing you are reading. Simply select the word and copy. It will give you the result. It consists more than 12.7 lakh+ results (Hindi 2.09 Lakh + ENG 9.7 Lakh). OED (Oxford University Press), Chambers, Collins, Longman, MacMillan 및 Merriam-Webster의 학습자 사전이 출판 한 대부분의 단어가 있습니다. 이 사전 Hindi Dictionary Pro 의 가벼운 버전은 영어에 대한 영어가없는 영어 의미, 동의어, 반의어 등을 사용할 수 있습니다.
Services Incorporated
1. English Hindi Dictionary
2. Hindi English Dictionary
3. Copy to get meaning on the spot
4. English to English Meaning, Synonyms, Related words, Antonyms (if available).
5. English word usage with sentences. (Use with go to main dictionary option/main dictionary, if available)
6. Google Word definition/image/search on click.
7. Bookmarks with date and time.
8. History with time and date
9. Day and Night Theme
10. Share your result option
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12. Pronounce the word
13. Survive in Hindi (Through Hindi experimental pronunciation for the person who knows English Only)
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