HTTP Requester
Web Services와 협력하는 Android 개발자를 위해 설계된 HTTP Requester 일반적인 HTTP 요청 (get/post)을 실행하여 모바일 장치에서 직접 테스트 할 수있는 간단한 도구입니다. All requests are recorded and kept in history in order to allow for frequent testing of various scenarios in an organized manner; create the request once and test as much as you need.
With a UI optimized for both Tablets and Smartphones, ease of usability was the main design concern.
- GET & POST Requests.
- Ability to select most common content types (application/json, application/xml, etc.)
- Ability to add headers to request.
- Ability to send text based content or add parameters for x-www-form-urlencoded requests.
- Ability to view response content.
- Requests are saved to local history.
- Ability to view Response Code, Date, Content Length and Elapsed Time (In history).
- Ability to select a saved request in order to review or re-execute.
Currently only fully trusted certificates are usable when connecting via HTTPS. Self-signed certificates will not work. (Ability to work with self-signed certificates will be added in subsequent release).
Headers received in the response are not currently viewable. (Will be added in next release).
Permissions needed:
- Full Internet Access: Ability to send requests (duh!).
- View Network State: Check whether a valid connection method is available.
질문이 있거나 문제가 있거나 향후 기능을 제안하려면 '이메일 개발자'링크를 사용하거나 [email protected]으로 이메일을 보내주십시오.
더 읽어보세요