애플리케이션교육 학습

SF Bay Area, Oakland and San Jose local breaking news, alerts, and live video

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우리는 지역 및 국가 헤드 라인, 날씨, 스포츠, 교통, 정치, 엔터테인먼트, 음식, 교육, 범죄 등을 포함하여 가장 중요한 주제를 다룹니다.


- Breaking news delivered as fast as it breaks

- Live stream 12.5 hours of newscasts each weekday

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- The latest tech news from Silicon Valley


- Hourly conditions and 7-day forecasts so you're always prepared for your day

- Interactive radar 24 hours a day

- Fresh video updates from KTVU's meteorologists


- Catch up on “Mornings on 2” every morning and watch what you missed

- Browse delicious recipes dinner, lunch and breakfast

- Exclusive content on your favorite segments including Zip Trips and Bay Area People


-San Francisco 49ers, Oakland Raiders, San Jose Sharks, Golden State Warriors, Oakland A 및 San Francisco Giants의 최신작과 북부 캘리포니아에서 가장 좋아하는 대학 스포츠 팀에 대한 독점적 인 보도

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What's New in the Latest Version 5.51.1

Last updated on May 13, 2024 Bug fixes

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