Best FREE GPS navigator with offline maps using GPS tracking for navigation!
This application turns your Android device into a GPS navigator with offline maps.
With this navigation app you can search easily locations in United States of America and you can add them to your route.
핸드 헬드 GPS를 사용하여 숙박 시설, 주차, 레스토랑, 바, 클럽, 영화관, 극장, 자동차 서비스, 상점, 공원, 학교, 병원, 스포츠 지역과 같은 흥미로운 장소를 발견하십시오.
GPS 내비게이션 시스템에는 뉴욕, 로스 앤젤레스, 시카고, 휴스턴, 필라델피아, 피닉스, 샌 안토니오, 샌디에고, 댈러스, 산호세, 오스틴, 잭슨빌, 인디애나 폴리스, 샌프란시스코, 콜럼버스, 요새, 찰로테, 디트로이트, 엘스 포스, 멤피스, 엠파이스, Bois, Working, Working, Working, Working, Working, Working, Working, Working, empso. Nashville and others.
How do I use maps on my SD Card?
Go to General settings->Data storage folder and choose a folder on extSdCard.
So you can only place the data in the standard SD folder: (extSdCard)/Android/data/eu.mapof.usa
This application is based on Osmand project under the GNU GPLv3 license and uses high quality data from OSM.
Offline maps without the need for internet with incredible detailed data
★ The optimized high quality maps are optimized to save memory space. They are stored at your Android device, so you can browse the map anytime you prefer, even offline.
★ Free map updates are made by map editors.
★ You can change the rendering style or choose between night or day mode.
★ You can search: by address, by type (Eg. restaurants, parkings, sport, tourist attractions) or by geographical coordinates
Fast and Reliable GPS Navigation
★ It offers offer 100% accurate and authentic routing via optical and audio guidance.
★ Enter your destination by address, type or geographic coordinates, and let the app find the best route.
★ You can add intermediate points on your itinerary.
★ 당신은 녹음 및 합성 음성 (TTS)으로 다중 언어 음성 가이드 내비게이션을 받으므로 도로, 보도 또는 트레일을 주시 할 수 있습니다.
★ It offers traffic warnings like stop signs, pedestrian crosswalks, sharp turns or railway crossings.
★ Speed limit display is available and you can get a reminder if you exceed the legal limit.
★ If you deviate from the route, the app will initiate an automatic re-routing, so you can get back on track.
Millions of Useful Points of Interest (POI) to Find Interesting Places Near You
★ You can search places by typing the name, the address or the geographical coordinates.
★ 레스토랑, 카페, 바, 관광 명소, 호텔, ATM 기계, 주차장, 주유소, 자동차 클럽, 택시 스탠드, 약국, 자동차 임대, 현지 투어 및 대중 교통을 탐색 할 수 있습니다.
★ You can save locations you love to Favorites and share them with your friends.
★ You can share your location with your friends via text message or social media so that they can find you at one go.
Recommended for All Types of Users: Drivers, Pedestrians or Cyclists
★ The app is an exceptional support for outdoor enthusiast as it offers a custom map display and navigation mod for every type of user.
★ 앱에 도보 나 자전거를 타고 여행한다고 말하면 앱을 사용하면 자동차가 접근 할 수없는 경로뿐만 아니라 발, 하이킹 및 자전거 도로를 발견하는 데 도움이됩니다.
★ 당신이 걸어서, 당신은 대중 교통 (버스, 트램 또는 기차)으로가는 길을 가로 지르고 줄 이름을 지시하여 대중 교통을 잡을 수있는 가장 가까운 장소를 찾도록 도와 줄 수 있습니다.
★ Get to where you need to go via subway / metro / underground, bus, bike, train, tram, or ferry.
Give us your rating, please! ★★★★★
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Please feel free to give us feedback with any queries/suggestions/problems or if you just want to say hello. If you have enjoyed any feature of this app, do rate us on play store and share among your friends.
Install the app right away!
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