
Jujutsu Odyssey Control 및 Keybinds 목록 [PC, Xbox 및 PlayStation]


Whether you need a refresher from the tutorial or just want to take a look at the full list of keybinds, you'll find all the Jujutsu Odyssey controls here. 게임은 UI에 모두 표시되지 않으므로 아직 사용하지 않은 일부가있을 수 있습니다. Here's my Jujutsu Odyssey controls and keybinds list .


  • Jujutsu Odyssey PC Keybinds
  • How to Change Keybinds in Jujutsu Odyssey
  • Jujutsu Odyssey Xbox Keybinds
  • Jujutsu Odyssey PlayStation Keybinds
  • How to Shiftlock on Xbox and PlayStation in Jujutsu Odyssey

Jujutsu Odyssey PC Keybinds

As always, you'll find the most keybinds on PC though some are not explained right away. The tutorial doesn't showcase controls like opening the menu with M or the dropdown attack for example. Here are all Jujutsu Odyssey keybinds for PC .

이름 키 바인드
공격 M1
Hotkeys 1-9
상호 작용하십시오 이자형
차단하다 에프
도약 Space (Double Jump with Double Space)
Drop Attack M2 while airborne (After double jump)
Air Combo Space immediately after Unblocked Attack
회피 R (While getting comboed)
나르다 시간
Grip (Execute) J.
Mode (Awakening) G
End Mode N
달리다 왼쪽 교대
Shiftlock Ctrl 키
Binding Vow
움직입니다 Z, X, C, V, M
Toggle Cinematic Mode
Open Console ,,,

How to Change Keybinds in Jujutsu Odyssey

Jujutsu Odyssey offers keybind customization and it's quite easy to do. 다음 단계를 따르십시오.

  • Hit M to open the Menu.
  • 선택 옵션.
  • Click on the Controls tab on the left.
  • Customize keybinds by selecting “Click to Edit” next to each one.

This allows you to set your own control scheme for skills and pretty much all commands in the game. The neat part is that this includes hotkeys from 1 to 0 too.

Jujutsu Odyssey Xbox Keybinds

이름 키 바인드
공격 엑스
Cycle Hotkyes LB and RB
상호 작용하십시오 엑스
차단하다 LT
도약 A (Double Jump with Double A)
Drop Attack Y while airborne (After double jump)
Air Combo A immediately after Unblocked Attack
Mode (Awakening) Right Analogue Stick
달리다 Hold Left Analogue Stick
Shiftlock / Cursos Options Button
메뉴 Menu Button

Jujutsu Odyssey PlayStation Keybinds

이름 키 바인드
공격 ??
Cycle Hotkyes L1 and R2
상호 작용하십시오 ?
차단하다 L2
대시 ?
도약 X (Double Jump with Double X)
Drop Attack ? while airborne (After double jump)
Air Combo X immediately after Unblocked Attack
Mode (Awakening) R3
달리다 Hold L3
Shiftlock / Cursos Screenshot Buttom (On PC)
메뉴 Menu Button

How to Shiftlock on Xbox and PlayStation in Jujutsu Odyssey

While you're playing Jujutsu Odyssey on Xbox or using an Xbox controller you'll be automatically shiftlocked. ShiftLock 모드와 커서 사이를 전환하려면 Xbox 버튼 왼쪽 옵션 버튼 또는 PlayStation 버튼 왼쪽의 스크린 샷 버튼을 누릅니다. This allows you to easily navigate menus and quests for example.

That's it for my Jujutsu Odyssey Controls and Keybinds list. Check out our Jujutsu Odyssey Codes for free goodies for the game.

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