애플리케이션실용적인 도구

Turn your phone into a night vision device simulator.

" Night Vision Camera Simulation " tries to simulate night vision device. With this app you should see items and people at night which you would not see using standard build-in camera software.

This tool uses high technology algorithms for image enhancement, so you can see more clearly at night. A lot of image processing filters will give you the ability to adjust night view for different night environments. Moreover, you can take a picture of the night view using instant button.

How it really works? :

" Night Vision Camera Simulation "은 인간의 눈이 일반적으로 구별 할 수없고 일반적으로 검은 색으로 해석하는 회색 색상을 향상 시키려고합니다.

당사의 이미지 처리 알고리즘을 사용하면 사람의 윤곽, 내장 전화 카메라 소프트웨어가 어두운 화면 만 표시되는 조명이 잘되지 않은 장소에있는 항목을 알 수 있습니다.

또한 각 사람은 다른 수준의 어두운 색상 구별을 가지고 있으므로 세 가지 다른 색상 일치 필터를 사용할 수 있습니다.

- average RGB color values

- minimal/maximal RGB color values

- individual RGB color values

You can choose the best filter for your eyes.

Application's most important features:

- three color match filters

- three night color filters

- live night vision power amplifier

- adjust camera rotation (0°, 90°, 180°, 270° or automatic)

- no camera latency

Disclaimer: This app will not give you the same results that real night vision hardware device would give. Our app only tries to enhancement the image from the camera view, so the final result depends a lot on camera performance and phone quality.

WearOS: this app is also available for WearOS devices. WearOS app is not a standalone app. To work correctly it needs phone app. Using your watch app you can take a photo on your phone app. Just press button on smartwach and photo will be taken on nightvision phone app.

최신 버전 2.5의 새로운 기능

Last updated on Nov 6, 2019 ?️ Night device is ready for Android 10 (Q)
✔️ Night Vision simulator stability improvement

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