애플리케이션교육 학습
  • VicEmergency


    7.5 6.6.0 2025-01-12
    교육 학습

The official Victorian Government app for emergency warnings and information

VicEmergency is the official Victorian Government app for emergency warnings and information. VicEmergency 다운로드하고 사용자 프로필을 설정하고 구역을보고 관심있는 영역에 대한 공식 경고 및 정보를 받도록하십시오.

Watch the VicEmergency video at www.youtube.com/channel/UCskGgVGdfEp1C3BMiiwAyzQ

To review support articles or submit a request, visit http://support.emergency.vic.gov.au

주요 기능 :

• Live incident map showing current warnings, planned burns and other types of incidents across Victoria.***

• Simple to create a profile and use watch zones that ensure you get official warnings for your local area. Warnings and information* are pushed out to a user's phone when issued by Victoria's emergency services.

• GPS integration to determine your current location** and surrounding incidents.

• Emergency Warnings, Warnings, Advice and information as issued by Victoria's emergency services

• Share incidents and warnings with friends and family.

• View forecast Fire Danger Ratings on the map.

• View today's and tomorrow's Total Fire Ban status.

* Your device must have an internet connection to receive warnings and information issued by Victorian emergency services.

** To view your current location, GPS must be switched on and location functionality enabled.

*** Map symbols represent the origin of the emergency, not its current location or spread.

ViceMergency 앱은 비상 사태에 대한 경고 및 정보에 액세스 할 수 있도록 도와주는 하나의 도구이지만 하나의 정보 채널에만 의존해서는 안됩니다. 응급 서비스는 Sky TV, ABC 로컬 라디오, 일부 상업용 및 지정된 커뮤니티 라디오 방송국, 1800 226 226의 VicEmergency Hotline, VicEmergency 웹 사이트 및 VicEmergency Twitter 및 Facebook의 Vicemergency 웹 사이트를 포함한 다양한 정보 채널을 사용합니다.

What's New in this Version?

• Addition of other types of emergencies eg flood, earthquake, storms, tsunami, shark sightings etc

• Addition of user profile so watch zones can be accessed across multiple devices

• Integration of user profiles and watch zones with the VicEmergency website

• Addition of landscape view for all screens

• Addition of custom tone for notifications

• Addition of edit function for all aspects of watch zones

• Addition of warning notifications by email

Are you getting a message asking Allow " VicEmergency " to access to your location? You need to allow access to see incidents and warnings for your current location. The steps for this will vary depending on your device, model and version of android, but should be similar to this:

• Open device settings

• Select applications

• Select manage applications

• Choose VicEmergency from the list

• Tick the 'show notifications' box at the top of the screen

What's New in the Latest Version 6.6.0

Last updated on Sep 1, 2024 General updates/improvements.

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