앱의 Westfalen 시트 및 이브닝 버전의 모든 지역판.
Westfalen-Blatt : 일요일 올빼미와 텔레비전 잡지 프리즘 (Prisma)과 일요일부터 금요일까지 앱의 이브닝 판.
With the latest 2.0 update new:
Significant improvement in speed.
Search the archive of e-newspaper until 2012.
Configurable automatic delete individual eZeitungen. To your phone or tablet remains tidy.
Additional information new news feed and Webview.
All tracks of the Westfalen-sheet on your smartphone or tablet! From Sunday to Friday additional evening edition. On Sunday you will receive the OWL on Sunday and on Friday the TV magazine Prism.
Scroll as usual through your newspaper - the reading mode even on small devices very comfortably.
From 3am you all our local editions of the newspaper from OWL plus OWL possible on Sunday. The evening newspaper you get already with all the news of the day at 21.45.
As a subscriber to our e-newspaper, you can use this app for free: Simply enter the username and password. All prices and other important information can be found on our website.
Single can be purchased in the app.
After downloading your newspaper you can use the content without an Internet connection available.
Your suggestions for Westfalen-Blatt app please send [email protected].
We look forward to your opinion!
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