Weather Plus Wiener Städtische in cooperation with ZAMG
The Weather Plus app Wiener Städtische and ZAMG (Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics) offer new features for you. 현대적인 디자인 외에도 오스트리아의 모든 위치에 대한 날씨 경고 및 해외 목적지에 대한 5 일 기상 예측 등 여러 가지 유용한 기능을 기대할 수 있습니다.
* The Weather Plus app and push notification work only with Internet connection is available.
With the Weather Plus app, you have many useful information about the current and future weather conditions at home and abroad mobile available:
* Weather warning to favorite locations via push notification:
By activating this function, you are against storm, hail and threatening
warned severe weather - ideal for your home or your second home.
* Warnings and weather information for your current location via GPS
* Current 5-day weather forecasts for all of Austria
* Current 5-day weather forecasts for destinations worldwide
* Day forecasts with data for morning, afternoon and night
* Current temperature, Bewölkungs- and precipitation forecasts in a new animation
* Display of pollen loads
집에 있든 도로에 있든 날씨와 함께 날씨가 심한 날씨의 위협에 대해 알게되며 자신과 소지품을 보호 할 수 있습니다. We wish you enjoy using the app!
Your Weather Service - Team Wiener Städtische
"We wish your problems have!"
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