FREE DATING and Flirting app | Find Singles and Meet New People | Matchmaking and Love
Flirt, chat, find singles with our free, map dating app.
Meet new people, find your match, date with a few clicks!
You can find singles around you on a map on our free dating app, who you can contact immediately. Download the app, register, set your profile and upload a picture.
All the functions are completely free and can be used unlimitedly.
What can Singlemap offer to you?
-Chat within your country.
-Private chat.
-Find singles in your vicinity on a map.
-Browse the photos.
-Notification about new users.
-New, user friendly platform.
-Simple registration with Facebook or Singlemap (we don't share anything on your Facebook timeline)
Download and meet new people!
The Facebook site of the dating app:
The website of the dating app:
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