HomeAppsLife Entertainment
  • Memoires


    7.3 2024-10-29
    Life Entertainment

Memoires: the ultimate way to keep memories on the go

Recommended by AppGoVideo.com (http://www.appgovideo.com/)

Approved as "SAFE" by Appozle (http://goo.gl/PXNNW9)

Private, password protected diary (journal)


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Memoires gives a way to quickly enter life moments, thought, memories or notes, capture photos, audio or insert images from gallery. Memoires automatically detects and attaches to a memo the location, addresses, weather and moon phases. It also accepts text and images from other apps.

To keep records and images confidential, Memoires uses password protection and strong encryption.

Permissions: http://goo.gl/g379t


- Data protection with password.

- Data encryption.

- Timeline, Calendar, Map and Album views.

- Unlimited amount of photos captured or images attached (Storage space is limited by the size of SD card)

- Audio recordings as attachments

- Emotions (smileys)

- Configurable fonts and font size

- Rich text editor

- User fonts from SD card (ttf or otf fonts should be placed into /sdcard/fonts folder)

- Tags to organize and classify records.

- "Flow of thoughts" as an additional way to keep memories linked to each other and organized as continues conversation.

- Integration with device contacts (requires "Memoires Contact Notes" from http://goo.gl/X6DHy8)

- Current weather conditions.

- Current lunar phase

- Geo location, altitude and address either automatically obtained or entered manually on the map.

- Filtering

- Full-text search

- Unlimited possibilities to share records and images by to other applications (depends on application data sent to). Sharing over email, sms, twitter, buzz, facebook etc (required corresponding client apps installed).

- Storing text, links and images from other applications which supports sharing it's data (i.e from gallery, rss readers, ebook readers, browser etc.).

- Export as RTF document for printing including images.

- Export as Google document including images for further editing or sharing with friends.

- Full two-way synchronization with users' Google account.

- Export images to Google Picasa album.

- Full backup and restore.

- Home screen widgets and shortcuts (requires "Memoires Widgets" from http://goo.gl/DnHX4d)

- Supports Move to SD card

Keep updated following http://sites.google.com/site/drodiary/

Follow me on Google+: http://gplus.to/drosoft

Appoozle approval: http://goo.gl/Jfmkj

What's New in the Latest Version

Last updated on Jul 7, 2015 Version
- UI improvements
- Fixes and more
- Don|t forget to update Memoires Contact Notes and Widgets!

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