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  • Memory Puzzle, Two Player Game

    Memory Puzzle, Two Player Game

    9.4 15.09.30 2024-12-19
    Card Strategy

Two player logical puzzle for all ages. Develops your recognition and memory.

* Two player logical puzzle for all ages thanks to various board sizes - 4x8 up to 7x14.

* This is a tablet friendly app thanks to HD images and large board sizes.

* If you play with your kid - or younger sibling, then please make sure to give your opponent some help and do not discourage by winning the game 10:0.


Game starts with all cards turned face down. When you tap one - it will turn and you need to remember the picture on it. Then - you should try to find the card with same picture as the uncovered one, and if they match - both will remain opened, you get one point and its still your turn. If you fail, the cards turn back and then it is your opponent turn. Look at your opponent moves to learn about other cards locations.There are various strategies - sometimes its better to loose at the beginning and then clean whole board in one long turn. Otherwise both cards will flip back over and you will get another try. Try to find all matched cards as fast as possible.

If you want to practice this solitaire on your own - give Memo Cars a try. Its a single player variant of Memory Puzzle, Two Players Game where you compete with your earlier results or with your friends via leaderboards.

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