City Clock Widget With Weather And Dynamic Background.
Please consider buying Pro Version to support development.
Get Pro Version Here:
1. Weather Information / Digital Clock / Calendar
2. Digital reading of the clock, both 12H and 24H format
3. Shortcut to Alarm Clock and Weather Details
4. Show Device Time or even Show any selected City time based on Timezone
5. Dawn-Morning-Day-Dusk-Night background light according to Sunrise/Sunset time
Weather Features:
1. Support both Metric (Celsius) and Imperial (Fahrenheit) measurement unit
2. Follow Location
3. Auto Refresh
4. 5 Day Forecast Weather Data
5. Weather Details such as Wind, Pressure, Sunrise, Sunset, Timezone, etc
Full Version:
1. Extra Weather Icons
2. Extra City Themes
3. Clock Style
Enjoy ~ Us Droid
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