Agent of Poker Online Best Domino in Indonesia and Indonesia,
About Us
Miyabipoker is an online entertainment brand that focuses on offering Texas Hold'em Poker game products with the target market of Indonesia. We have a simple vision of giving the best experience to our members with premium quality poker games with the best value as well. Our products go together with honest and transparent promotions as well as with our supporting staff who ensure that by playing at Miyabipoker, you will get the best play experience.
Our service advantages
We try to provide the best service by implementing an online system 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our customer service staff will always be available for you to answer all your questions and solve your problems quickly, politely and as efficiently as possible. We also focus on the needs of our Miyabipoker customers by staying loyal and holding fast to the principles of our utami service:
1. Customers or members are always prioritized
2. Your satisfaction that builds our business
3. We will always try and work to exceed your expectations
Confidentiality and system security
In order to maintain the integrity and justice of our system, we will always do routine examinations to protect your privacy. We also do this as a guarantee if we are committed to always maintain the confidentiality of your native data on our server. Therefore we use sophisticated security measures and 24-hour monitoring to ensure the security of our member data.
Contact us
Immediately join us by registering on our website. Do not forget we offer a reference bonus of up to 15% for our members who referenced our poker games to friends or relatives. And there will be our special bonuses besides our main bonuses.
For registration, transaction process, and further information, you can contact us at our 24 -hour service, namely:
1. Livechat on the web
3. Yahoo Messenger: [email protected]
4. Blackberry pin: 2b98f48c
5. Wechat: Miyabipoker
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