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Guide us to the straight path(Available in six languages - more to come)

Mohaqiq app provides a subject based organization and presentation of relevant Quranic verses. The list of subject-words is not necessarily taken from the translation, rather it is a collection of commonly used words but with a relevance to the religion. Mohaqiq focuses on contextual relevance between a given subject and verses in Quran, and does not necessarily look for 'exact word' match.

At present, Mohaqiq has a collection of about 200 subject-words, which can collect and present about 500 references from the Holy Quran. These 500 references together cover over 2000 verses, which represent about one third of the Holy Quran. A reference is a single verse or adjacent verses explaining a selected subject. Mohaqiq also presents a brief context for each chapter (Sura) of the Holy Quran to assist in further understanding of a reference.

Mohaqiq does not claim to have covered all possible subjects as it relates to our day to day life. Also it does not suggest that all possible references from the Holy Quran on a given subject are collected and presented, but a best possible effort is made to present sufficient available references explaining the subject. As a new user of the app there will be a bit of learning in aligning your desired subjects with the available choice of subject words, but this stage will pass as your usage grows and familiarization with the available subject words increases. I will encourage you to share this app with others via social media tools of your choice.

The author of the app is not a scholar but a common reader of the Quran with a desire to really look for the information, guidance and wisdom in the Book as it relates to our daily life. In this sense, it is a humble effort to share with others, what the author had attempted to learn. May Allah SWT guide us and forgive us if any inadvertent error is made. Mohaqiq is also open for your suggestions and corrections for further improvement. You may see info screen by tapping the "i" button for more information about the author, contributors, dedications, features in future and feedback to Mohaqiq team.

What's New in the Latest Version 2.9.1

Last updated on Oct 10, 2015 Version 2.9.1 is released on Mar-16, 2014 is based on server based design.
Upon starting the app, it will check for new translation / language availability.
New Language / Translation will instantly become available to the users when published on the server.
Zoom setting is globalized across all pages of the app.

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