Mutah Nikah In Shia Understating in Videos
Nikāḥ al-mutʿah ( نكاح المتعة, literally known as temporary marriage), is a type of marriage permitted in Twelver Shia Islam, where the duration of the marriage and the mahr must be specified and agreed upon in advance. It is a private contract made in a verbal or written format. A declaration of the intent to marry and an acceptance of the terms are required. Nikah mut'ah was also practiced by the pre-Islamic Arabs.
According to Twelver Shia jurisprudence, preconditions for Nikah mut'ah are: The bride must not be married, she must be Muslim or belong to Ahl al-Kitab (People of the Book), she should be chaste, not addicted to fornication and she should not be a young virgin (especially if her father is absent and cannot give consent). At the end of the contract, the marriage ends and the wife must undergo iddah, a period of abstinence from marriage. The iddah is intended to give certain paternity to a child should the wife become pregnant during the contract.
Here is the list of topics which this app covers:
Kia Mutah Haram Hai?
Mutah Is Halal or Haram
Shias and Mutah Marrige With Daughter Me Ap ki Beti Sa Mutah Karoo Ga
Kia Islam ma Mutah Jaiz ha
Shia Mutah Marrige
Reality of Mutah Nikah
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