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Quit Smoking Coach - Quit without putting on weight: The 30-day Internet Program

MyQuitSmokingCoach: Europe´s No 1 Stop Smoking APP

The APP has a 5 stars rating by the magazine computer world.

It was the best APP of 15 tested quit smoking APPs.

This intelligent APP helps you to quit smoking. We offer more than other Apps, which get on your nerves with their senseless calculations or pop-up messages with advertising.

This is an interactive App and was designed by professional non-smoking coaches that also offer the internet program my30dayquitsmokingcoach.com and the bestseller book "I know you like to smoke, but you can quit now" which has been translated to 10 languages.

•Texts that motivate: Understand how nicotine causes stress and mood fluctuations.

•Be successful: Set your own targets and rewards.

•Learn easily: Playing interactive games.

•Calculate how you saved: Money, years of your life, tar.

•Be happy with your progress: Assess your smokefree days.

•Your body regenerates so quickly: 11 signs of health improvement.

•Motivate yourself: Daily advice to stay quit for life.

•links YouTube: Get additional motivation.

•Hypnosis: Make quitting easy.

•Quit without putting on weight: The 30-day Internet Program.

•The best seller book

Always have your targets with you on your mobile:

The stored answers on your mobile are your reasons why you wish to quit, what bothers you most about smoking and your strategy if you have a slip and smoke a cigarette.

When you have the sudden urge to smoke a cigarette, you can access this immediately.

What the APP does not contain:

No shocking images and no disgusting videos. We work professionally and on a daily basis we coach hundreds of smokers in the online course.

Try it for yourself and see:

If you are taken with the contents of the APP, then you can continue on the Internet. We help you by also providing training on what to do if you have a smoking relapse and with daily tips on maintaining your current weight. This makes becoming a non-smoker easy. My30dayquitsmokingcoach.com

The APP is part of a comprehensive quit smoking program

• A hypnosis program

• The best seller book “I know you like to smoke but you can quit now!”

• The internet program: www.My30dayquitsmokingcaoch.com

Google search indexing

keywords:Stop smoking APP, Stop smoking, Stop smoking hypnosis, Quit smoking APP, quit smoking, Quit smoking books, Quit smoking now, Quit smoking hypnosis, Quit smoking program, cigarettes, nicotine, dependency, drugs, addiction, recovery, andreas jopp, Allen Carr, Easyway, substance abuse,

What's New in the Latest Version 1.1

Last updated on Sep 8, 2024 Added support for new Android OS versions

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