HomeGamesCard Strategy

Improve your remote view prediction skills using playing cards as target points.

My Remote View Practice App uses playing cards as target points, whereby the user must predict which playing card will be revealed next.

The user first pauses for a moment on the "focus" screen, then waits for impressions of the card to reveal itself to the user. User selects the card that has come to mind and user is attempting to predict. The next screen reveals which card is actually the next card.

Points are awarded based on the accuracy of the user's guess. 1 point is awarded for predicting the correct number and 1 point is awarded for correct suit (maximum of 2 points per round).

If optionally logged in as a registered user, the final session score is stored on the Scoreboard for other users of the app to see. User can also notify a friend of a new high score.

Please note that the card prediction and hidden selected card outcome are not linked. In other words, what the user predicts is purely ESP phenomena and cannot be just luck. Since the hidden cards are randomly displayed, the user cannot cheat at the game.

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