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All Forgotten Altar (Lost Power) Locations in Diablo 4


A new kind of power is coming to Diablo 4, and it’s sure to be familiar to fans of fantasy series like Harry Potter and Agatha All Along. However, joining a coven and learning everything about it isn’t a cakewalk. So, here are all Forgotten Altar locations in Diablo 4.

How To Find All the Forgotten Altar Locations in Diablo 4

The Season of Witchcraft brings a new Questline that allows you to learn Witchcraft Powers. They feature three major categories – Eldritch, Psyche, and Growth & Decay – which all focus on different kinds of occult magic. To learn these abilities, you have to gain favor with The Coven, which involves earning Restless Rot by completing missions for the missions.

Progressing far enough will allow you to upgrade structures that appear near the Tree of Whispers called Altars. But while most Diablo 4 players will focus on the main Altars, there’s another type that reveals a different kind of magic. Forgotten Altars provide you with Lost Powers that pack quite a punch. Unfortunately finding a Forgotten Altar is easier said than done.

Unlike the main Altars, which have set spawn points, Forgotten ones spawn randomly in dungeons in Sanctuary. That means some grinding is in your future, but since the season’s Questline is going to send you to dungeons, it’s possible that you don’t have to do a lot of extra work. However, even if you do, it’ll be worth it because the Lost Powers are some of the most powerful abilities in the game.

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All Lost Powers in Diablo 4

If you put in the work and find all the Forgotten Altar locations in Diablo 4, you’re going to be rewarded for all of your efforts. Here’s a list of all of the Lost Powers in the game and what they do:

Breath of the CovenDealing damage or applying a Crowd Control effect with any of your Witchcraft Effects increases your Attack Speed by X for 10 Seconds, stacking once per unique Witchcraft Effect.

Witchcraft Effects are Eldritch, Psyche, and Growth & Decay.
At Rank 8: Gain 40% Lucky Hit chance while bonuses from

Eldritch, Psyche, Growth & Decay are active at once.
Hex SpecializationIncrease the potency of your Hex Effects by X.

At Rank 10: Increase the Critical Strike Chance by 10% against enemies afflicted by your Hex Effects.
Aura SpecializationThe size of your Aura Effects are increased by X.

At Rank 10: Increase the Critical Strike Damage by 50% against enemies inside your Aura Effects.
PiranhadoWhen an enemy is afflicted by both a Hex and an Aura Effect, a Piranhado is summoned pulling enemies towards it and dealing X Physical damage over 12 seconds. May occur once every 20 seconds.

At Rank 5: Piranhado moves itself towards nearby enemies.

It’s also important to note that, once you have access to Witchcraft Powers, you can upgrade them in your inventory. You will need Restless Rot to do it, though, so make sure to finish as many Quests as possible.

And that’s all the Forgotten Altar (Lost Power) locations in Diablo 4. If you need help finding other spots in the game, here’s where to discover all of the Altars of Lilith.

Diablo 4is available now on PC, Xbox, and PlayStation.

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