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10 Quality of Life Mods Available for Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2


Although it was released only recently, the modding scene is already booming for Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. The nice part is that a lot of mods make small changes to improve frustrating features. These are quality of life mods already available for Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

Unlimited Saving II

Image via Nexus Mods

This mod is from EddieShoe on Nexus Mods, and it simply lets you save your game whenever you want, but without needing Saviour Schnapps to do so. The default system for saving receives mixed opinions, since not having Saviour Schnapps means that you can only save by logging out, sleeping, or reaching a checkpoint. At least with this mod, you can decide for yourself if you want the ability to quicksave whenever without needing items to do so, or if you want to adhere to the saving system the game includes.

Instant Herb Picking II

Image via Nexus Mods

A mod from HerrTiSo on Nexus Mods, this removes the herb picking animation. There’s no need to have an animation of Henry picking herbs every time you want to gather alchemy ingredients. It’s gets annoying quickly, so this mod is a great improvement, despite making such a small change. If you combine it with a mod that increases the herb gathering radius, then herb picking hardly feels like a chore.

More Carry Weight

Image via Nexus Mods

This mod is from ryhBread on Nexus Mods. It lets you adjust how much weight Henry can carry before he gets burdened by it. You can increase carry weight through gameplay mechanics by improving Henry’s strength. However, the amount of materials, armor, and weapons that you gather can quickly surpass that weight limit. As a result, you can’t sprint or fast travel, which can be annoying at best. While you lose some realism, you gain a lot in terms of quality of life.

No Helmet Vision

Image via Nexus Mods

Brought to you by JustAnOrdinaryGuy on Nexus Mods, this mod does exactly as it says: it removes the vision reduction from wearing a helmet. The reduced field of vision that comes from wearing a helmet makes it harder to spot items around you while traveling. This is especially true when it comes to herbs, since many of them are already difficult to find without intentionally looking for them. So, having a mod remove that limitation is a huge improvement. You can also make the helmet part translucent, if you prefer.

Infinite Shoe Durability

Image via Nexus Mods

Another mod from ryhBread on Nexus Mods, this one keeps your shoes in perfect condition. You’ll no longer look down and suddenly find that you’re barefoot because your shoes are in shambles. Sure, you can buy new shoes and repair them, but that costs Groschen and you might need the repair before you have a chance to visit a trader or find a Cobbler’s Kit. This way, you can run around as much as you want without worrying about your shoes.

Richer Merchants

Another mod by JustAnOrdinaryGuy on Nexus Mods, and it makes a small improvement by giving merchants more Groschen. If you have a lot of items to sell, you might not be able to sell them all to a single merchant. Depending on how much money they have, you could be jumping between merchants to get rid of all your extra items. With this mod, you can eliminate that problem. Additionally, you can use it to reduce the amount of Groschen merchants have, if you prefer a challenge.

Fast Launch

Image via Nexus Mods

Sick of the intro videos when you boot the game? This mod by Instanity on Nexus Mods fixes that. Launching a game and having to wait isn’t fun, so this mod lets you start playing a bit faster. While it doesn’t effectively make any changes to the actual gameplay, it’s still a nice quality of life improvement, especially for players with limited amounts of time that they don’t want to waste a second of.

Non Exclusive Perks

Image via Warhorse Studios

A mod from Zaphyrex on Nexus Mods, this lets you take perks that would otherwise be mutually exclusive. Exclusive perks include options like Martin’s Heritage and Radzig’s Heritage. Normally, you can only choose one of the two, and the other option becomes unavailable. This mod lets you uphold the heritage of multiple masters, which means you get more benefits. Again, it’s not the biggest gameplay change, but you can get some small bonuses from having it.

Totally Unnecessary Reticle for Bows and Crossbows

Image via Nexus Mods

Another mod from HerrTiSo on Nexus Mods, this one helps you with ranged combat. The reticle has a tendency to vanish when you’re using ranged weapons, and this mod keeps it present when you’re trying to aim. It’s perfect for anybody who struggles with the way that ranged weapons fire by providing a bit of help with aiming. Even though it doesn’t overhaul the ranged system, just having a reliable reticle is a huge quality of life improvement.

Unlimited FPS Cutscenes

Screenshot captured by site

Possibly the biggest quality of life improvement comes from SmajdalfPower on Nexus Mods. By default, cutscenes are capped at 30 FPS, which can appear choppy at times or just lower the overall quality. While it’s a way to make the game less demanding on the system running it, it’s nice to have the option to uncap it for your own system. That’s where this mod comes in. Instead of being capped at 30 FPS during cutscenes, there’s no limit to the FPS that cutscenes play at. The result is a smoother cinematic experience.

RPGs like Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 are the perfect playground for mods that range from improving your experience to adding unusual–and sometimes funny–features. If you’re looking for more options, then make sure you also check out this list of the best KCD2 mods.

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